Fangirly squee!

May 10, 2008 23:06

I haven't been around much lately with work and all, and I do hope to get better at that again soon.

24 hours ago I met up with Erika at the movie theater. 11½ hours later we stepped out of the theater again, having watched the entire EXTENDED LotR trilogy! What an experience! I really hope my fellow LotR fen get to experience something like this, because it was awesome! There are loads of details I haven't noticed on my TV screen even though I've seen the movies a gazillion times! I think we were around 50 people when we started out, and less than ten gave up along the way. :D

When Erika and I stepped back out into the light, the first person we meet is my dad! He was all OMG WTF you're crazy peoples! Hee!

I had planned to stay awake until tonight, but of course that didn't work. I only slept for about half an hour, though, and will go to bed shortly to get back into some kind of rhythm.

Tomorrow I need to tidy up a little bit, but I'm not planning on doing much else. Perhaps read a bit. Like American Gods, which I've actually bought (see? Neil's right - it helps giving people stuff for free, because it might suck them in). And speaking of books, on Monday I need to call/go to the second hand store where Dad left my books - including a whole bunch of Bahá'í books that were not supposed to go there.... Ooops? If I can't get them back for free after explaining the misshap, I guess I'm gonna have to buy them back.... I doubt they'll have sold any of them yet, since most of them were in English, and some in French and Spanish. *g*

It would be nice to get some more writing done, too. *nods* Oh, and speaking of writing, orion2303 has reuploaded the first two chapters of her Numb3rs WIP Bet Me A Lifetime! Yay for the DP and for Don owies! :D

How is your weekend going, peeps?

fannish squee, movies, books, family, friends

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