I feel like a rollercoaster inside

Dec 01, 2005 23:53

One minute I'm all "YAY! I'm going to London on Saturday!" and the next it's "OMG I have less money than I thought I did and Dad asked earlier today if I needed more money and I said no and I'm gonna get lost and not meet Noah or anyone else I know and" *insert no time for reacting here* "BUT I get that extra money on Monday and that's just two days and I can so survive and if I DO get lost I can either call someone or just ask someone in the street if they can help" "BUT then they might murder me and I'll be all dead and people will say "I told you so"...." Yeah, that's my brain right now. Ugh.

But in happy happy joy joy news, my camera battery is now charged! Woohoo! If it wasn't all dark here, I'd take pics of something. Hey...there's the advent star in the kitchen! *runs off like Puppet!Angel when SmileTime is on* (and yes, in my excitement I forgot that the flash is reflected in the window. Shush.)

Since it's December 1 (and because utopian_sky reminded me), it's time for my

Orlando Bloom - he may not be the world's greatest actor, but he's nice to hurt look at. *nods*

And because today is World AIDS day (and irmelin reminded me), please click this:

I might not have much money, but I'm healthy...ish. And I should be grateful for that. Things could be so much worse. I truly am blessed.


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