Empowered but cold

Dec 01, 2005 18:30

Happy birthday, h0bbitish! According to Lena it's your birthday, and she usually knows these things. ;-) I hope you're having a great day!

As for me, I've had a cold day. And somehow I've missed that my bills hadn't been processed, so I got a letter today about not having enough money in the account...so I had to borrow from other accounts like the trip money...but I should be okay. As long as I don't have to fill up too much gas in my car tomorrow when I take Anna to the doc in Sunderbyn...which I probably will have to do, which sucks. The fill up too much gas part, not the taking Anna part! She's very nice to hang out with, and we went to town today. I bought myself a winter cap because I needed one. And I also went to Expert to see if I could get some help with the charger to the digital camera battery - and they could! So it's being charged as we speak. :-)

I also paid for my antibiotics. Over 200 SEK that I so hadn't counted on having to spend. *grr* *curses Mammon*

I need to get myself a job. Preferrably one that pays well. *nods*

I still can't believe I'm going to London on Saturday...I hope the weather's better than here.
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