(no subject)

Sep 19, 2010 21:45

I wonder how many people's online environment matches their real life. The probability is quite high (well the people I know anyway) that they are close to the way they come across online.

However, I'm not quite sure about those who have 4,313,472,311,837 friends on facebook or 5,418,118,327,331.5 friends on myspace. How do you even know when you have been de-friended? Do you even care? Or is it all about quantity vs quality? Is appearing popular and having an irresistible personality all that important? We all know most people friend-back out of politeness.

Being a person whose online personality is drastically different from my real time personality (I'm actually quiet, ill at ease to talk about intellectual topics, and silly more often than not. I'm totally not sarcastic, and am quite gullible. I am overly polite, accommodating, and easy-going.), I'm always trying to match my online persona to my actual personality. I have very few friends on facebook, I only talk when I have something worthwhile to say, and whatever has comical value is worthwhile saying. I'm extremely deadpan. Friends who have known me for over 30 years still say "I never know what you're going to say next" and/or "I wasn't sure if you were joking or not."

I'm always joking. I hope I don't get cancer. I would get the same reception Andy Kaufmann did when he announced he was dying.

How about you?
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