April 17, 2003

Nov 11, 2021 10:25

I'm back! I'm fINALLY back! I got some content too. I don't have much in the interaction and media section, so those still need a little bit of work. But hey, at least I have content! I also need affiliates! Whoop! lol Sorry I'm just excited that I got my site back up. Also, please if you're going to like sign my tagboard or anything, please be repsectful. If you're going to, "hate", then please do it through e-mail. I don't want a bunch of ignoramous people posting, 'this layout sucks' a bunch of times. If you do, I'll know who you are. mwuaha. I can get your IP address and ruin your life. Okay..maybe not your life but you get the point you little delinquents. I'm also gonna ad a private journal on here, and only some people get the password. Basically those who ask me and those whom I love get it. I'll tell you when that's up. I can't wait till I go to school one for a whole week, I'm SO excited! It's funny because on the school, the name of it is like 'School'. I can really mess people up when I go there and tell people where I go. I can be all like, 'I go to school.' and they can be like what school? and I can be like school. MWUAHAH! GENIOUS! I can slowly take over the world. Erm..yea. lol I'm sorry but I really needed a countdown for the lizzie mcguire movie. It's gonna be cool shit.

high school, 2003, y2k, web design, hilary duff, blog, myspace, lizzie mcguire, 14, typos, journal, 00s

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