Pretty Much, Yeah.

Mar 24, 2009 13:10

I'm not American, but I'm certainly seeing why if I was an American I might be preeetty angry right now. Courtesy of Rolling Stone:

"There are plenty of people who have noticed, in recent years, that when they lost their homes to foreclosure or were forced into bankruptcy because of crippling credit-card debt, no one in the government was there to rescue them. But when Goldman Sachs - a company whose average employee still made more than $350,000 last year, even in the midst of a depression - was suddenly faced with the possibility of losing money on the unregulated insurance deals it bought for its insane housing bets, the government was there in an instant to patch the hole."
- From "The Big Takeover" by Matt Taibbi.

(One of those nicely comprehensive and readable articles you find from time to time. Grab a coffee and give it your attention).
Also Recommended: Mirko Bagaric: Corporate, capitalist model the true villain.

america, capitalism

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