I truly do think homework, except in special cases, should be abolished. Here are some links I found for those interested, but I'll give my reasons:
- Kids need time to relax and digest what they've learned, engage in reading and play and other activities for their own pleasure, and spend time with their families.
- With the obesity epidemic in this country, anything that causes children to be indoors in a chair focusing on close work until well after dark is creating "homework potatoes."
- Homework makes the divide between students with involved parents and those with busy/uninterested parents worse. By shunting off part of the learning process to the home, we are hurting the already disadvantaged.
- Piling on rote work makes kids hate school and hate learning.
- Big Brother already controls my child's time and what goes into his head for 35 hours per week. (Plus, they use truancy laws to make sure I can't decide to take him out for a week's vacation, even if the trip would be educational and enriching.) When he gets home, he is MINE, not the state's.
Time Magazine: The Myth About Homework Teacher abolishes homework, but his students average 94 percent on advanced-placement tests The Homework Myth: Why Our Kids Get Too Much of a Bad Thing The Case Against Homework Schools Try Abolishing Homework (UK) Homework is a waste of time and should be abolished, say teachers A Sin Against Childhood