Sep 17, 2016 23:56
Only I don't know if I should. Do I really have anything to say any more?
In personal news, I won a cruise a few months ago at work. I just need to get my passport renewed, and to pick a time that is not in hurricane season, and make a decision on where to leave from, and just make a decision. I'm not great at doing that lately.
Computer woes: the laptop seems to be dead, or dying. It's a few years old and that's how long computers last these days. I thought the desktop was on its way out too but I cleaned a bunch of nasty dust out of it with a can of air and it's been working fine. If only Windows Security Essentials would work fine. I've been trying to update for an hour. (Short long story: I tried another antivirus program briefly, decided to get rid of it and reinstall the Microsoft one.)
Writing is not going well (not just on here but the fiction writing). I just don't seem to have much energy to write. But I don't want to dream my stories away.
That's all I can think of. I guess I'll post in another year or two again.