A temporary death to Beauty

May 05, 2014 12:11

I've just now had to put Beauty down... such a turn of phrase. The vet and her helpers at the Centretown Veterinary Hospital were exceedingly kind, and she went very quickly after the sedative was injected into her catheter; the doctor provided me with a fur clipping in a small, pretty nylon purse. There'll be more crying to do.

Gone, gone, gone beyond, altogether gone beyond. Requiescat in pace, Beauty (aka. Booty, Boobsie, Skinny Cat, Crazy Cat) you were a beautiful and affectionate ball of fur and neuroses in this life, and you've left your marks on every bit of furniture, cloth, and soul that I own; you've earned a good rebirth. May we all do as much.

friends, cats, personal

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