In a very good way, actually. Now for a long time I thought I was running a kitchen table business, created to support a very expensive hobby. I've had glimmers of external validation, but most of my satisfaction has come from within, which is as I have always felt it should be. And these days I'm good with owning that I've created something special. Successful. HOWEVER .... a few minutes ago I pulled a special package from my mailbox. Crammed in with the coupon flyers and other assorted junk mail was a priority mail envelope containing the new issue of Fashion Doll Quarterly. On pages 40-43 was an article all about ME! With pictures and everything.
Now I've written many similar articles for FDQ. It's just very, very different to be on the other side. I'm a Velveteen Rabbit kind of girl and silly or not, this makes me feel very real. I think I'll be twitching for a while yet.
So anyway .... it's a fantastic magazine and all y'all better subscribe. Or at least pick up the Color issue that's hitting the stands in the next week or two. You can find a copy at most Borders or Barnes and Noble stores or order it on the Fashion Doll Quarterly website. Going back to my sewing corner to quietly squee now.