:Torchwood: Miracle Day

Jun 08, 2011 20:12

So back online. Back to doing icons soon, but did whip up a new banner. Real life is still crazy busy and confusing, but pushing on.

Anyway, enough of the serious biz. Saw the character introductions (vids) for the NEW Torchwood.

First off I'm already indecisive about this supposed season. I'm not "can't wait, gonna be sitting in front the telly" excited to see it. So everything I see about it I'm very critical of. Really my main reason for watching it would in the end be because of the old cast (Jack/Gwen/Rhys/Andy)

So, rundown of the introductions:

REX: Would possible make me want to watch it. But still on the edge. It didn't pull me in to the premise of the miracle and his character.

JACK: Another one of the vids that would tempt to watch, but still haven't done that. It's like I'd expect to be amazed by his actions and then be dissapointed.

GWEN: Disappointed in it. It wasn't interesting in the least. There's so much more better stuff in her background that could have been used (maybe?). Kind of makes me wonder what 'OMG' moment she's going to have.

OSWALD: Oh creepy much?! Could possible tempt me if I didn't know his character, and how urgh! he really is.

JILLY: Too happy/preppy for me. Will surely drive me crazy. Nothing in the little clip, even makes me want to know anything about her.

ESTHER: From the little clip nothing stands out.

Kind of wished RHYS had an introduction vid. But guess he won't be in much of the series then? or may just be killed off, cause Gwen's intro did say she HAD a husband and daughter... or maybe she means she had to leave them behind or the gov't has them?...who knows.

tv:torchwood, personal:review

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