Sep 14, 2023 01:47
My regrets are a mile deep, while my aspirations are merely inches tall. I'm 37 years old now, going on 38 real soon. I don't understand life or my place in it any better than I did all those years ago when I was a frequent writer. That may or may not be true. With certainty, I feel as if I have wasted over a decade of my life. Maybe two. Maybe none. Might not even be a waste, but it feels like it. Perhaps this is all fuel for the fire. Stories to tell. Things to teach.
I just don't know.
I will begin writing again.
Maybe here.
Maybe elsewhere.
I just don't know.
I don't want to be forgotten.
I don't want to forget myself or my thoughts.
I should have written all along.
I can't let my apsirations get too high, or they seem daunting and unreachable. I'd rather have regrets a mile deep.
This is me. Always has been.