Title: Electric Shock chapter 3 Pairing: main Yukihina/Yuuki Summary: Yukihina had gone to pick up Yuuki, when the boy didn't return properly. When he has found him, Yuuki suddenly goes berserk, and they are under attack.
Title: Electric Shock chapter 2 Pairing: Main Yukihina/Yuuki. Others will appear as well. Summary: Yukihina had gone to pick up Yuuki, when the boy didn't return properly. When he has found him, Yuuki suddenly goes berserk, and they are under attack.
Title: Waking up Yuuki Pairing: Yukihina/Yuuki Summary: Yukihina really doesn't understand why they are so scared of Yuuki waking up.
Title: Electric Shock chapter 1 Pairing: Main Yukihina/Yuuki. Others will appear as well. Summary: Yukihina had gone to pick up Yuuki, when the boy didnt return properly. When he has found him, Yuuki suddenly goes berserk
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Admit It Author - Kuroshiro / xperfect_lines Rating - PG Pairing - Ogami/Sakura Warnings - Fluff and some sexual tones. And probably OOC-ness. Summary - (Or How Alcohol Still Cannot Change Ogami) Ogami hated to admit it, but there's always alcohol to keep the story going.http://www.
I have a fleeting suspicion that Yuuki has a little crush on Rui (that scene where Yuuki protected Rui in the middle of battle had me going) yay for the toyboy x cougar thing XD so I drew this for fun :)