I am just sleeping... so much at the moment, and I can hardly breathe in without coughing up a lung. Hopefully the one will encourage the end of the other. When I get sick, I really don't do it by halves. xD And anything requiring brainpower is apparently on hold for the moment. Hrrm. Shall have to get up tomorrow and knock something together for the workshop that afternoon, though.
Because I didn't get around to the good things meme last night: yesterday I got some shopping done that I needed to. Today, I spoke to one of my English tutors and I'm feeling more positive about my course (read: I don't feel like I'm going to get kicked out in short order because of Fail). Importantly, because I haven't said it yet, thank you so much to the people who commented to that love meme a few days ago-- I know it's easy to type the words "it made me smile", but I absolutely mean them. Thank you. ♥
Before I sign off, I stole an art meme from
The first five number-until-I-get-tired-of-this people to comment in this post get to request a sketch of a character of their choosing from me. In return, they have to post this in their journal, regardless of their drawing ability level. If you absolutely can't draw, I don't see why you wouldn't be able to offer drabbles or icons or something instead.
You have to offer this so I can take up all your slots in return!
So go wild! Art is the perfect thing for me to do when my brain is not on speaking terms with any kind of writing. My graphics pen has broken again, and this time it's resisting all attempts at assisted reincarnation, so until the new one arrives (hopefully/possibly January-time) it'll be all scanned drawings, all the time. Have at.