heroes_meta. Do I have thoughts on Heroes episode 12, beyond "holy crap that was actually rather good"? Hmmm.
Okay, for a start, I have no idea why the writers waited three seasons to give Masi and Hayden a scene together. I mean, seriously. The two of them were incredible acting opposite each other. I would watch Claire and Hiro together at any age, any time, any place, even if they were only talking about the weather.
Speaking of any age: Hiro's iconic pushing up of glasses with his younger self and Claire's helpful dating advice for hers were just the funniest. And their encounters with past!parents! Hiro making waffles for his mother and then telling her about how great her son's future would be (especially after she stood up for him to Kaito) are a couple of moments that I want to cuddle in blankets for the rest of time. And Claire helping out Sandra and then being caught in a lie by Bennet in about .5 of a second was sheer win.
(And they actually had a reason for not showing Lyle this week, as he was kind of busy not being born yet. Although I'm sure that a twinkle in his mother's eye still had plans to go write in his livejournal about how it was so overlooked and misunderstood.)
And I'm impressed that reality didn't implode when Claire held her babyself. Obviously she managed to miss out on those Petrelli genes that keep compelling them to end the world in any way possible.
Although perhaps that's a little harsh, because even Peter was being competent this week. I think that losing his powers was the best thing to ever happen to this guy. Okay, so he didn't actually manage to shoot Arthur, but he damn well pulled the trigger and I think Papa Petrelli would still have died if Sylar hadn't turned up to catch the bullet.
Question: what on earth was happening to the Haitian? He was being epically badass and awesome, and then his brain started hemorrhaging or something. It was awfully bizarre. Was Arthur managing to fight back a little, or did anyone else spot another reason for it, or what? (Also, props for just going out and shooting the bad guy instead of conducting some elaborate scheme, but why didn't they just do that before? Ehh, maybe the Company just got desperate or something.)
Time to talk about Ando, Matt and Daphne! Their storyline this episode can be summed up in one lovely succinct word: WIN. Three of the show's best characters dashing around outrunning bicycles and brainpwning shifty postal service guys and asserting that teleporting > superspeed? Please, show, can I have some more? :D
Oh man, it just dawned on me that Hiro is still stuck powerless on that flagpole, fifteen hundred storeys above the streets of New York. Kaito or the impersonated chef or someone had better come grab him before he goes plummeting. I have every faith that he won't, but still. Poor squishy guy.
Mohinder's scales get more and more impressive every day. I realise that by saying this I am going to cause every Mohinder fan in the whole world to stare at me in unconcealed horror and disgust, but now they're smoothing out and stuff, now they look less like slimy scabs and more like some kind of Art Nouveau cyborg thing, the scales are actually kinda hot. There, I said it. He's still pretty with scales.
Perhaps that's the not-so-secret superpower that Mohinder rashly overlooked: the ability to take ugly things and turn them into eye candy. Heck, you saw the other guy who was injected; he was practically turning into an ankylosaurus, whereas Momo here is currently getting away with some sleek (albeit occasionally slime-covered) skin modding. Clearly, when it comes to this prettification power, his s1 wardrobe was only the start.
Anyway, let's get talking about the most important part of this episode: here a Sylar. There a Sylar. And another little Sylar. Fuzzy Sylar, Funny Sylar, Sylar, Sylar, BRAINS. He had so many crowning moments of awesome this episode that it's impossible to pick out just the one. Do we go for his return to his favourite old disguise, the Oddly Attentive Delivery Guy? Or how about the newfound ~hunger~ for birthday cake, because it just ain't Heroes if Sylar isn't topping off a murder with some kind of delicious eatable? Maybe even the scene in the lift, where he stood there ever so calmly next to this clearly terrified man and observed that "huh, does kind of tingle"? And how can we not mention him shooting Arthur Petrelli telekinetically through the head? He really is back this time, ladies and gentlemen, and he's taking back by force all of the awesome he let go of this third season.
Anybody who'd given up on Heroes (because goodness knows I nearly did)? This is your cue to jump back on board. It's getting to be great again.