Drive-by Pimping.

Nov 25, 2006 14:14

Just a quickie to tell you all to RUN over to Speranza's WW fic site because there's a new J/D fic from her over there!
Hollow Lake State Park.

Don't forget to tell her you love it and beg her for more!

There's not a lot of new J/D fic being posted (well, not stuff I'd recommend to my friends!) and I'm sure you've come across most of them, but here are some links anyway.

Today by bexatious (post-ep for Tomorrow)

ETA The Visit by cantbesilent
(because I knew I'd forgotten someone, dammit!)

From the 2006 bubbleficathon:-

O Canada by bexatious.

Amazing by christinekh

Making Bath Time by quaggy-mire

What Were We Talking About? by vivfic, who hasn't written WW before but who did a pretty good job.

impreviousness also wrote a really sweet CJ/Danny fic - Full Disclosure of a Different Kind and dianora2 posted her first Studio 60 fic, Who She Is (Matt/Harriet).

The evil genius that is salr323 posted another Studio 60 fic this week - A Short Year, which is a post-ep for The Option Period. It's Jordan with a bit of D/J - as with all her stuff, it's incredibly well written and the character voices are on the button.

Well, that turned into more than a drive by, didn't it?

If I think of anything I've missed, I'll add it later.

west wing, fic recs

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