It's that time again...

Jan 21, 2008 11:58

I’m at home again today and really should be working, but at the moment I’m procrastinating, so here’s a very quick fic round up.

Here’s the best (IMO) of the recently posted J/D fics -

Five people that Donna Moss never fell in love with, by so-bambiesque.

Fever Dream, Trouble Sleeping and Power Lines in our Bloodlines by little_zigzags whose ability to turn out these wonderful vignettes continues to amaze me.

Even busier since my last round up (and thank God for it!), christinekh has written Greetings from…, Back to the Beginning, Blue Christmas, Weakness is no Stranger, Coffee and a Chat, Paradise Lost, Paradise Found and Welcoming in the New Year, and finally, a post-ep for The Ticket, Every Moment of Every Day. I think she deserves a medal (and our undying gratitude) for that lot!

zinke posted another instalment in her What We Didn’t See series (the last but one) - Refurbishment, as well as a little something she wrote for Thanksgiving, Defining Traditions. And for any of you who are also fans of Doctor Who, she’s written a few DW fics that you might like to check out - they’re all up at her LJ.

Another Christmassy offering came from cantbesilent, We’ll find the message in the clouds, and also, she posted a pre-series ficlet - Forget all your Technicolor dreams.

bexatious wrote an emo future-ficlet Someone else’s face, fuyu-ginga posted Puzzling Parts, a really cute ensemble fic, and finally, The Wedding by musesfool is worth checking out.

So there’s a fair bit there to look at if you haven’t already seen it all. Also, and I know I’ve said this before, but if you’re a fan of 30 Rock do go and check out michellek’s (mostly) Jack/Liz fic - you can find it all at her LJ or at 30-rock. It’s like she’s got Tina Fey in her head, seriously.

Also, if you check out crack-van, one of their featured fandoms this month is Sports Night. For any of you out there who feel starved for good Sorkin-related fic, there have been some good recommendations so far and I really enjoyed these -
Some Time Spent in New York Town by soupytwist, Hangin’ on the Telephone by laylee and Five Gifts Casey McCall has given Dan Rydell by fahye. Other SN fics have been rec’d this month but I haven’t had time to read them all yet. If you hop over to the comm. and scroll through you’ll come across the rest of them, and there are a load of other fics listed in the memories.

I'm sure there's stuff out there I've missed (or maybe it wasn't my cup of tea ;)) - prod me if you think I've missed something good!

doctor who, west wing, fic recs

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