Spn_Reversebang post:- Not strong enough to stay away.

Nov 03, 2010 04:19

 Art Prompt Title: The PRiests
Art link: Art Masterlist
Artist: bdrixhaettc

Fic Title: Not strong enough to stay away
Author: caz2y5
Fandom/Genre: SPN Slash
Pairing(s): Dean/Jimmy, Dean/Castiel
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 5,827
Warnings: Priest kink, Mentions of faith and religious themes. male on male nudity and kissing, vomit, blood. Spoilers for all aired episodes but if you know Zachariah is a Junkless dick then your good.
Summary: Zachariah wammies Dean to teach him a lesson about faith by making him a priest. But will Dean Winchester actually learn the lesson the Angel is trying to teach him?

A/N: Written for the spn_reversebang and based on the awesome art of bdrixhaettc who drew prompt 1083.

Also a million thank you's to glasslogic  and her shiny pom poms and thunder_nari  whose poking helped me get this done by the deadline.

Dean leaned forward, palms down on the concrete floor of the derelict warehouse and vomited a string of vibrant red from his mouth. Between rolls of his stomach Dean gasped for air. He grimaced at the taste of the coppery bile in his throat and the pain in his stomach that had caused him to fall forward on his hands and knees and heave blood on the floor in the first place
Zachariah stood before him and Dean really hoped that some of the stuff he had just puked up had spattered on the dicks shoes. He couldn’t see the angel’s face but before he fell to the floor it had been beet red and there might or might not have been steam coming from his ears

“Are we having fun yet?” The smugness in Zachariah’s voice was only slightly less grating than it had been earlier.

“Bite me.”

Dean was beginning to wonder if maybe Zachariah was the angel of stomach cancer. He was going to have to look it up because it seemed every time he wanted to piss them off Zachariah used the vomiting blood card on them. Surely the dick would have figured out by now that he was not going to say yes to Michael.

Dean rested on one elbow and ignored Zachariah as he twisted his head around enough to glance at Sam. His brother was doubled over hands wrapped around his waist and his lips stained red with blood. Sam gasped for air and Dean could see the distress in his brother’s eyes.

Zachariah leaned down fingers closing over Dean’s jaw and tilting his head forcefully up. Dean tried to resist but the angel just made Dean meet his eyes. Dean was going to have bruises when this was over.

“You’re going to say yes, Dean.” Zachariah smiled conceitedly.

“At the risk of repeating myself,” Dean sneered as he glared up at Zachariah. “Bite me!”

“Oh no, I’m just getting started.” Zachariah let him go, wiping some red spittle from his hand on Dean’s shoulder. He turned and took a few paces away from the Winchester’s before he turned and held out his hands like he held some sort of peace offering.

“I think you need a lesson in having faith, Dean.” Zachariah exuded so much smug that Dean thought he might puke again. “Let’s see if having faith will make you change your mind about doing your duty for god.”


IT felt like being twisted inside out and man it was disorienting. Dean blinked until his head felt less like a roulette wheel, then he tried to get his bearings. It wasn’t like him to freak out like this but he couldn’t help being stressed about having to speak in front of the entire congregation and he was pretty sure he was having a panic attack.

The Vaulted ceilings and the stone floor of the church didn’t care though. The earth didn’t swallow him whole and the Sun just kept on shining through the large stained glass window above the altar.

The place was still empty and a cursory glance at the watch on his wrist told him it wasn’t going to stay that way much longer. He was suppose to ring the Church bell like two whole minutes ago, but that would also mean the doors would open and all those people would come to hear him preach.

Dean wondered why he had let his father talk him into doing it. It wasn’t like his father did a bad job of leading the service but John had told him it was high time that Dean got off his ass and tried it out. Dean should never have let Sam and his Dad convince him he could do it.

“Dean, you alright son?”

His father was standing at the church entrance a smile on his face as he raised his hand and tapped on his wrist watch. It was okay for John to run the church with Military precision but Dean was still feeling just a little weirded out about the whole entire ‘in front of the whole congregation’ thing.

John raises an eyebrow and gazes at Dean. “You still nervous about speaking in front of the congregation?” Dean bit at his bottom lip and nodded slowly like maybe if he hesitated enough he could avoid it or prevent the whole thing from happening.
“You’ll do fine,” John grinned at him as he walked down the aisle between the pews and clapped a hand to Dean’s shoulder. “Just do it like you practiced.”

John leaned and picked a leather bound bible up from the seat of the pew in front of them and holds it out to Dean. It’s worn and the leather is soft from constant use. There are about a billion of those little post it book marks all dog eared and written on. Dean takes the book and holds it to his chest.

“And if all else fails,” John grins and ruffles Deans hair. “Picture them all naked. It works for me.”


Dean looked up from his notes and gazed out over the congregation. Oh god he was going to stuff this up. Running his tongue along his bottom lip and taking a deep breath, Dean figured that his father’s suggestion was better than nothing so he tried to picture them naked. No one specific though because the thought of Mrs. Elderman naked was going to give him nightmares.

He scrunched up his nose and looked around the room again. He figured if he really wanted to he could just imagine what Miss Layla Rourke looked like naked. Although that might count as cheating since he already knew what she looked like. Dean closed his hand and covered his mouth as he cleared his throat. Then with one last deep breath he began.

“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for.” Dean’s voice echoed under the vaulted ceiling.

“By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible. By faith Abel offered God a better sacrifice than Cain did. By faith he was commended as a righteous man, when God spoke well of his offerings. And by faith he still speaks, even though he is dead.”


After the service Dean stood by the open doors of the church. Small groups of people two or three at a time, making their way out of the building as he, his father and his brother greet them. He had a large grin plastered on his face as the late morning sun shone warmly down on his back.

It seemed that every single parishioner wanted to complement him on how wonderful a job he had done leading his first sermon. Some even commented to John about how well he had raised his boy or asked if he was going to retire and let the lad run the place on his own.

Sam stood over on the other side greeting the few parishioners that bothered to actually talk to the younger Winchester who still hadn’t said a word in front of the congregation. Not that Dean was bragging about it or anything.

For some reason the elderly parishioners liked Sam and Dean was pretty sure that Mrs. Elderman had a crush and was trying to go all Mrs. Robinson on his baby brother. Sam smiled politely and nodded as she told him about her latest bout of lumbago.

“Excuse me Father?”

The brightest pair of blue eyes stared at him and Dean is lost in the depths of them for a second. There is something about them that he just can’t put his finger on. Thankfully John is standing next to him and saves him from any embarrassed drooling or anything.

“Mr. Novak it was good to see you at the service. How have you been?”

Jimmy is standing there dressed in a suit. Tie straight and a trench coat slung over one arm in the warmth of the sunshine. There is a smile on his face and he is holding hands with a fair haired female adolescent.

“I’m good thank you John,” Jimmy grins and nods at Dean. “That was a very touching sermon Dean.”

Out of all the people who have told him so far how good he did today in leading the service this is the first time he has blushed. “Thank you Mr. Novak.”

“Please, Dean. It’s Jimmy. Mr. Novak is my father.” Jimmy, smiles broadly and his tongue darts out to swipe across his bottom lip. He glances at John and then gestures to the girl at his side. “You remember my daughter Claire Novak?”

John nods and Dean realizes who she is. Of course he remembered Claire. She used to be In the Sunday school class that they had run in the spare room of the parsonage before the Novak’s had been divorced and Claire had gone to live with her mother.

The crowd thins slowly and Jimmy glances at his watch. “Oh is that the time? Sorry I have to have Claire back at her mothers by two.”

“Your cutting it fine aren’t you? Kick off is at 3.” Sam interjects as he moves up and stands next to Dean. Obviously Mrs. Elderman finally let go of his hand. Dean had forgotten about the game.

Jimmy frowns slightly, looks like he forgot about it too. “I have a friend taping it for me so I can see it later.” Jimmy nods at all three of them and then glances at Dean. “Well I better go, see you next Sunday.” With that Jimmy turned and left leading his daughter down towards the parking lot which was now empty except for Jimmy’s Car and the black Chevy impala that the Winchesters owned.

The beams of the late evening sun tinted the clouds a deep crimson as it receded to the west. The faded ray’s shone through the many facets of stained glass and bounced a myriad of color across the darkened church. Other than the dance of colors as the sun moved lower, the Church sat lonely vigil, devoid of warmth and filled with loneliness.

Sam sat on the soft red linen of the pew his arms crossed across the back of the pew in front of him and his head buried in his arms. He had his eyes squeezed shut, his brows knitted in frustration and pain.

Since he had come back from College his nightmares had become worse and worse, now they even invaded his waking brain. They were so vivid that they stole his vision and tore so violently through his brain that they left him breathless with the ache of it.

The nightmares had become so vivid that all five of his senses reacted too it. The worst type of dream had been if some one was going to drown. Even when the sensation of choking and gasping for air left him he could still taste the bitter stagnant water that had filled the person’s lungs.

His current one involved someone being tortured. Some featureless face grinning as they cut chunks from Sam’s flesh. It left a coppery tang to his mouth and his ears rang out with the sound’s of the man who was being tortured. It was so vivid that as it receded from his vision he could still feel the blood pooling and running down his skin.

Sam sat back rubbing his hand over his face and pushing his bangs back from his forehead. He knew that what he was seeing in his vision was some one else, that it wasn’t him being tortured. Sam let his head loll back slightly and kept his eyes closed. He was still going to need a minute before he could trust his legs to stand.

The faint sound of laughter bounced around the rectory and Sam sat bolt upright, he wasn’t alone in the church. Sam stood turning and facing the direction of the sound but from where he stood in the main part of the church he couldn’t see anything. Sam stepped up and walked around the Chancery checking behind the altar.

Sam frowned, he was certain he had heard hushed voices but he couldn’t see anyone and the silence of the church was that eerie kind of still now. He walked back down the isle to check that the double doors were locked and bolted.

It wasn’t the first time that Sam had, had the feeling that some one else was in the church but another quick glance around the nave revealed that he was the only occupant. With a shrug Sam made his way through the church and out the little door in the vestry. Locking it behind him he walked the short distance across the grounds to the minister’s residence at the back of the church.

The Monday after Deans fifth time at leading the service, Dean and Sam were in the church. They were checking the little shelves on the backs of the pews, making sure that the right number of prayer books was there. Dean replaced one that had been defaced and was standing in the center isle, flipping through it to laugh at the dirty pictures some bored parishioner had drawn.

That’s when Jimmy entered the church, blue eyes shining as he hung back and stood at the rear of the church like he was unsure if he should enter. Dean glanced toward Sam who was on the far side sitting on one of the pews and rubbing his forehead.

Dean tucked the book under his arm and walked over to where Jimmy was standing. Jimmy was wearing the same suit and long tan trench coat that he always wore and Dean wondered whether Jimmy ever went out in public dressed any other way.
Dean grinned at Jimmy as he held out his hand. “Welcome to St James parish, can I help you?”

Jimmy smiled back, an infectious grin that spread over his whole face. It made his eyes shine and little wrinkles crease at the corner of his eyes. Dean kind of really liked it when Jimmy smiled like that.

“Very funny” Jimmy replied.

He glanced over Dean’s shoulder a look that encompassed the entire church. Jimmy looked back at Dean and he seemed to hesitate for a moment his head tilting to the side as he gazed at him. Dean just kept watching those blue eyes.
Jimmy beamed a sly smile before he asked. “Will you hear my confession?”

Dean raised an eyebrow. “You want me to what?” Dean wasn’t sure he had heard Jimmy properly. They didn’t really do confession, this was an Episcopal church, and confession was more of a Catholic thing.

Jimmy’s grin grew wider and he leaned in raising a finger and curling it to coax Dean to lean in too.

“You’re a priest and, I want you,” There was the slightest trace of amusement to the way Jimmy said it. “To hear my confession”

Dean tilted his head to catch sight of those blue eyes. There was an emphasis on the way that Jimmy had said ‘I want you.’ Dean still wasn’t sure if he was imagining it or not. He shook his head and chuckled then stepped to the side. Dean gestured toward the front of the church, where he figured he could hear Jimmy’s confession in the vestry.

Jimmy walked down the center isle of the church making his way toward the altar and they had just reached the base of he chancel when Sam called out from across the pews.

“Dean, can I have a word with you?”

Dean turned and looked at Sam, his brother had his brows knitted together and that hang dog look that told Dean that something was wrong. Sam tilted his head, signaling to Dean that he wanted him to come over to him so that he could talk to Dean in private.

Dean frowned and rolled his eyes. He turned to face Jimmy and tried to seem apologetic. “I’m sorry Mr. Novak, if you could excuse me for just a moment?”

Jimmy nodded and Dean made his way around the pews. Before he reached Sam, his brother had turned and walked further back into the church. Obviously to put enough distance between them and Jimmy.

“What’s this about Sammy,” Dean looked Sam up and down. “You look like shit dude. Are you okay?”

Sam really did look awful. His eyes were blood shot and his skin looked pale. His breathing was a little harsh too. Sam ran a hand through his hair pushing his bangs back from his brow.

“I feel awful.” There was a hint of just how bad Sam was feeling in the way his voice sounded. Dean had thought maybe Sam was going to suggest getting Dad to hear Jimmy’s confession.

Dean put his hand on his brother’s shoulder and looked closer at him. “its time to lock up anyway Why don’t you lock the front doors and head back to the house I can take care of things in here.”

“Dude, you sure?” Sam hesitated for all of two seconds “thanks. I owe you.” Sam glanced over Dean’s shoulder and nodded. “Night Mr. Novak.”

“Goodnight, Father Samuel.” Sam was already halfway out of the church before Jimmy had replied.

He waited until Sam was outside and locking the doors before he made his way back to the front of the church. Jimmy stood and followed him past the altar to the Vestry door. Dean unlocked it and pushed the door open. He held it as Jimmy stepped through the door and looked around. Dean closed and locked the door before crossing the room and making sure that the other door that lead outside was also locked.

Dean turned to face Jimmy and the man pressed against him. He placed his palms to the door one on either side of Dean’s head. Jimmy held Dean against the door with his own body. Dean grinned as Jimmy rested his brow against Dean’s.

“Forgive me father for I have sinned…” Dean could hear the humor in Jimmy’s voice. It was unmistakable now. He leaned in and nipped at Jimmy’s lower lip.

“I keep having these impure thoughts about my priest.” Jimmy tugged at Dean’s shirt. His fingers working at the buttons as Dean dragged the trench coat off Jimmy’s shoulders.

“Sometimes during the service,” Jimmy’s voice sent shivers tingling up Dean’s spine. The other man’s hands trailing down his chest. “I think about what it would be like to have his big hard cock inside me”

Dean feels the pressure of Jimmy’s hand as it covers the erection in the front of his jeans. With a heated groan Dean runs a hand across the back of Jimmy’s head. Dean’s fingers scratching slightly against Jimmy’s scalp as Dean kissed him harder.


John prayed every night of his life. He had prayed as a young boy, he had prayed when he went to Vietnam. He had prayed when he met Mary and he had prayed when she had died in a house fire when Sam had been six months old.

Every night after that he had prayed with his boys it was something that he occasionally still did. Even though both Dean and Sam argued that they were too old to have their dad tuck them in at night.

John ran each bead of his rosary through his fingers reciting the rosary prayer with each bead as he walked through the house. He had to head up state to the local prison for an execution. Something that he wished he didn’t have to do but then the condemned man had a right to have a priest present when he bid the world good bye.

Only his boy’s were behaving strangely and it concerned him that he would be gone for two days and be leaving them on their own. Dean had been spending a lot of time away from home which was very uncharacteristic of him.

Where as Sam was having trouble sleeping. Even if Sam was unwilling to talk to his father about the nightmare’s he was having, John was acutely aware of the fact that Sam was having them.

“Are you sure you will be fine with running things whilst I’m gone?” John set a stern gaze toward Dean.

“Yes sir.” Dean grinned like a Cheshire cat. Other than being ‘available’ for anyone who needed help and bingo tomorrow, he would have the place to himself for two whole days. Well Sam would be there but Dean already had a plan for getting around that.

John nodded and hugged each of his sons before he picked up his bag and headed out the door.


After Bingo Sam had headed back to the parsonage to try and get a nap. His sleep had been intermittent at best and he was tired. But a knock at the door had put a dampener on that.

Mrs. Elderman was at the door. “Your brother said to just come straight on up to the house.” She had a plate of cookies and a broad smile that was all false teeth and Sam knew he was going to have to invite her in.

It took him two whole hours to finally convince Mrs. Elderman that he had official church business that he should be attending. It took another half an hour to get her to actually leave.

As he shut the door of the parsonage and let out a tired sigh it occurred to him that he hadn’t seen Dean since bingo had ended. One thing Sam had noticed was that Dean seemed to talk to Mr. Novak a lot lately.

Instead of going upstairs to bed Sam stepped outside and crossed the small courtyard to the back of the church. He entered via the vestry and snuck quietly through the door into the church.

It was empty. He hadn’t really expected to catch Dean up to something in the main part of the church but maybe he was in here somewhere.

Growing up the boys had spent many a languorous afternoon’s playing in the church grounds, memorizing the names and number of tombstones in the graveyard.

They had spent even more time inside where they could climb the bell tower, and look out across the town. They had explored the nooks and crannies, played hide and seek and carved their names in the undersides of the pews.

So Sam knew every place Dean could be hiding if he was in fact here some where in the church. He stood there a moment and listened. After a moment he heard it. There was a distant creak of wood and the occasional whisper drifting down from the bell tower.

A narrow stair to the side of the church entrance led up to a trap door. On the other side of that, there was a small room with a ladder up to the platform at the top of the tower where the bell hung. The rope for ringing the bell hung down through a hole into the room so that the bell could be rung from there.

There was a chain across the front of the stairs with a sign that read ‘Do Not Enter.’ Not that the chain or the sign ever kept them out when they were kids.

Sam noticed the padlock was open and the chain was only loosely secured. He moved the chain aside and attempted to climb the stairs as quietly as he could. If Dean was up there he was going to give him the scare of his life for sending Mrs. Elderman to the house.

When he reached the trap door Sam stopped. Whispered voices came wafting down through the trap door and Sam listened to see if he could make out what they were talking about. The wood of the door muffled the voices and he couldn’t make it out.
Sam shoved the door hard and it flung back banging against the wall as Sam stepped up into the room.

Dean was naked, lying on his back, a blanket spread out beneath him. Dean’s arms and legs were wrapped around Jimmy Novak. Jimmy was also naked his arms around his brother as he lay on top of him.

The two of them were staring wide eyed at Sam. Frozen like a deer in the headlights of an on coming truck. Sam had planned on embarrassing his brother but instead he was the one that turned bright red.

With a groan of “Oh god!” Sam covered his face and turned around. He made his way back down the stairs with the sound of Dean’s laughter following him.

John had just got home from the trip to the prison. The man had prayed for forgiveness of his sins and at least that was something. The drive back had been tiring so he was sitting at the little kitchen table in the parsonage behind the church. There was a glass of whiskey on the table in front of him, his journal was also open in front of him and he had, been planning on scribbling notes about the events of his day.

Right now though, John had both elbows perched either side of the open book. John’s forehead rested on the fingertips of one hand and his eyes were closed.

“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer.” John whispered as he threaded the beads of his rosary between the thumb and for finger of his other hand.
The bang of the front door being slammed shut drew John from his prayers. He opened his eyes and dropped the beads on the table and moments later Sam shuffled past on his way to the fridge.

John picked up the glass and stirred the melting ice inside with a slow flick of his wrist. Sam opened the fridge and rummaged through a few shelves before settling on the carton of juice in the door. John watched as Sam straightened and took a few loud gulps of the juice straight from the carton.

“Where’s your brother?”

Sam frowned and wiped a hand across his mouth then leaned on the door of the fridge. He scrunched up his nose for a second and then shook his head. “I haven’t seen him since Bingo.”

John frowned he got the feeling that something was going on but he wasn’t sure what. “Is he down at the church? Maybe I should go check?”

Sam’s eyes went wide before he shook his head. “I’ve just come from the church,” Sam brushed his bangs from his forehead. If John had been a gambling man he would have thought it was a tell. “He wasn’t there.” John lifted the glass to his lips downing the remaining scotch as Sam replaced the carton and shut the fridge.

John sighed, Dean had been disappearing a lot lately. It wasn’t anything he had been too worried about, Dean was an adult and he had every right to go and do what ever he liked with out his father and brother knowing every single move.

John drummed his fingers on the table as he considered what he was going to do about Dean. As well as disappearing his son had been acting a little off, staring into space with a big grin on his face. It had been happening ever since Dean had started leading the services.

Dean had even been late to a few of the activities that the church ran through the week or returned late from things. John had taught his boys better than to be late to something.

The front door creaked and then clicked shut. John looked at his watch it was almost an hour since the sun set. He leaned back in his chair and called out to the other room. “Dean, can you please come in here?”

Dean came and stood in the doorway, running a hand through his hair. It didn’t hide the fact that his hair was messy and his clothes rumpled, like perhaps he had slept in them. John glared at him and Dean was just grinning with that dreamy look on his face.

“Where you been son?”

Dean raised an eyebrow and glanced at Sam who shook his head. Dean looked back at John and shrugged. “I went for a walk Sir, lost track of the time.”

John hadn’t come down in the last shower. He knew his boy’s were hiding something from him but he was just too damned tired to deal with it right this second.

“It’s been a long day. I’m off to bed.” John stood and yawned before grabbing his journal. He frowned and headed toward the stairs. When he reached the first step he called back over his shoulder. “I want to talk to you to in the morning. Good night.”

John climbed the stairs and stopped in the doorway of his room and waited. It didn’t take long before his boys started whispering to each other in the kitchen.

“I need to scrub my brain.” Sam whispered.

“Thanks for not saying anything.” Dean seemed to sigh with relief.

“Dude you totally owe me.”
******Dean was asleep deep heavy, like floating, dreaming about a man in a trench coat. The man had unkempt hair and his clothes were always disheveled. For some reason though the idea of them being anything but felt alien.

The man had the deepest of blue eyes, it made him think of the sky. They were so bright that sometimes it frightened Dean to stare into them. When the man smiled something that Dean knew, the man didn’t do often. When he smiled it made Dean happy to see it. The way little creases appeared at the corner of those azure eyes.

Dean rolled onto his back and murmured softly, “mmm Castiel…” He continued to sleep, content to dream with a hand down the front of his stripped pajama bottoms.

"Dean!" Sam screamed out in pain, sitting bolt upright in the half darkness of his bedroom. His nightmare disoriented him for a moment, but the room was empty. Just him and his sweat soaked sheets. It was the most vivid nightmare he had ever had. And this time the person dying in his dream was his bother.

Sam had, had to watch as something he couldn’t see tore his brother to shreds. It was an image that chilled him to the core and even know he was awake he couldn’t shake the image. Couldn’t shake the feeling that it was real.

“You okay?” Dean spoke as he opened the door. He flicked on the light and Sam winced at the sudden brightness. It took a second for his eyes to adjust and when they did both his brother and his father were standing in his room.

Sam dropped his feet over the side and stood. He should probably tell them it was nothing. Just dismiss the whole thing as a bad dream and not to worry about it.

But there was something about the whole thing that unsettled him. Like his nerves were twisted tight and something cold was dancing up and down them. Only he couldn’t exactly put a name to the feeling. Something in his gut told him to go with the instinct to tell them.

Sam opened his mouth but before he could say anything there was a noise like a thunder clap and a flash of blinding light. At the same time the whole world shifted sideways and pain coursed through Sam’s brain. His teeth clenched around a noise of pain that bubbled up from his throat.

Sam’s knee’s buckled from beneath him and he dropped to the floor. Sam threw his hands up to grab his head. The world swam in his field of vision and just before it whited out.

Dean had never been so glad to see Castiel. The angel had grabbed him and Sam and angelported them away from Zachariah and his goon’s. Thankfully he had done it before the smug son of a bitch had, had a chance to gloat over his parallel Dean having faith. Dean still wasn’t exactly sure what the lesson was supposed to have been.

He talked to Sam who remembered just as much detail about it as Dean did. They both agreed that it was something that neither of them would talk about as long as both of them lived.

Especially what Sam had seen in the bell tower, not just because Dean had threatened him with physical bodily harm. But because Sam had absolutely no intention of ever having to acknowledge what he had seen in the first place. This suited Dean just fine.

Once Sam was asleep Dean went out and because it was freezing he sat inside the Impala. He was halfway through his first bottle of beer when Castiel appeared beside him.

“Hello.” Dean couldn’t help but smile at the softness to Cas’s voice when he spoke.

“Hey, Cas.” Dean tilted his head and looked at the angel. Those blue eyes watched him so intensely that if it had been anyone else Dean would have told them off for staring.

It felt like forever had passed and Dean couldn’t stand it any longer. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to Castiel’s. They were warm and soft and Dean would have closed his eyes if Cas hadn’t pulled away.

“I am not Jimmy, Dean.” Castiel stated it like a librarian might tell you where to look for a book on stamps.

Dean frowned and wondered why on earth Cas would even think that. But then it occurs to him that he had just been thinking about how much he was going to miss being with Jimmy.

Dean shook his head. “I know your not. You’re Castiel and you don’t act anything like Jimmy did.” He grins because Jimmy was still Castiel’s vessel so that technically meant he had seen Jimmy naked before he had actually seen Jimmy naked.
Dean pressed a hand to Cas cheek. “Cas, you’re the reason I fell for Jimmy in the first place. Even alternate universe me can’t keep my hands off you.”

Castiel covered Dean’s hand with his own and that smile that only Dean ever saw spread across the angel’s lips. “I missed you.”

“I missed you too Cas.” Dean leaned in and pressed his lips to Castiel’s again. This time the angel pressed back, pushing him back against the seat and climbing into Dean’s lap. Dean pulled Cas closer and smiled. He was glad to finally be back with his angel in his arms.


character: jimmy, destiel, character: castiel, character: dean, bigbang goodness, character: sam, fanfic: not strong enough to stay away, supernatural ate my soul

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