(no subject)

Oct 24, 2007 06:24

Obligatory whine, moan, and groan post (aka, the norm).

Kicked butt and took names on my exam Monday. Ended up wasting all of yesterday that I should have spent finishing jumble piece sleeping in/being a general layabout. It felt wonderful (very needed I say), but I'm behind now. Digital art takes a lot more work than I expected. Ugh. I didn't even get my layabouting (yes, that is now a word) accomplished... fell asleep watching Transformers, down once again to the last legs of my underwear stockpile (it's bad when laundry schedule is dictated by the amount of clean underwear in possession) so should have done a bit of laundry... ugh/sigh again.

Lab today, dissection lab tomorrow, small animal lab Friday... another exam the following Wednesday (thankfully, nothing between 11am on Friday and said exam at 9am Wednesday, so I can cram review free of distractions on my weekend..).

I think I've hit a new low when I can admit to MISSING high school. Worst years of my life, but was so much easier academically. Sigh.

But hey, at least it finally feels like fall here. Somewhat. Highs still around 75F/24C... but it beats the last week of temperatures in the 90s/33C (mental conversions probably wrong, don't ask me to do math at 6am..)
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