(no subject)

Oct 21, 2007 20:16

I have/started to work on my second jumble art--- taking the plunge and trying a purely digital piece (and putting that tablet my dad bought me to use, haha). So far, it looks awesome. But there's still plenty of room for screwing it up completely.

Another exam tomorrow, but I think I short-circuited my brain out because I really lost the energy to study. So I'll just be waking at 4:00am and crunching the remaining pathologies before I run in to take it. Probably will still bomb it, but meh. I have three more exams coming up within as many weeks that I really need to worry over, since they're ALL for my uber-important class. Ugh.

I'm seriously kicking myself in the butt for going into this program. It's awesome, it's something I love, but I'm getting gray hairs from this.
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