What the hell...

Mar 04, 2004 04:10


Your karmic zodiac is SCORPIO.
Good Qualities: You have a HUGE sex drive,
scorpion, and you know how to use it! With
Pluto in your court you are a master of
transformation, always leaving those around you
in awe. You are a person of great mystery, and
friends, family, and lovers are never quite
sure what to expect from you. You are very
astute in many things.
Bad Qualities: You need sex often just to maintain
normal functions. Your desire is so great it
often makes you somewhat irrational. Some
people view you as unreliable. They don't know
what you'll do from one day to the next.
Best Matches: Aries, Leo
Best to Avoid: Pisces, Virgo, Scorpio

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