from the unknown artist file:
i heard an archive interview with
this adorable artist. she invents small objects to perform mostly useless tasks, such as collecting belly-button fluff or ironing tea leaves. i have always secretly been tickled by strange and beautiful objects with esoteric uses. unfortunately the interviewers were framing her as a wacky eccentric, though she she a trained artist and lectures in manchester. pity a lot of craft-based artists are not taken more seriously.
i thought
goutwort especially might appreciate
her blog.
from the eavesdropping file:
speaking of the word esoteric, a few weeks ago i listened to a couple of youngish guys of indeterminate education and background at the streetcar stop near work discussing vocabulary whose meanings they were somewhat unsure of but really wanted to be able to use. 'esoteric' was one of their words. i wish i could remember the others or express the strangeness of overhearing this conversation.
also, listened to one side of a cell phone conversation in which the guy on my end appeared to be vehemently encouraging his girlfriend to take care of herself and pursue her dreams (this involved school, maybe going away?) and not worry about him because taking care of you is more important. it was just so earnest, he was so young and so sincere. i dont think i can do justice to this one either. it was like he had heard this in a movie or on teevee, and it seemed really totally true and he wanted to express that to his unsure true love... i think i was also sensitive to it
what binds these together is the strange feeling, which i think will continue to proliferate in the world, that everything has already been said or done in a movie. that every conversation (especially those performed in public but also many private ones) is inherently self-conscious. the speaker already knows that someone might be watching, that their life might already be a movie. and lives are lived according to the rules of dramatics, plot devices, stage whispers, story arcs. conversations are always already designed to become sound-bites and solioquys (shit ive forgotten how to spell that, how embarassing).
these arent particularly new thoughts in the world (damn you baudrillard and all your minions), but lately i am more aware of it than usual in my daily life.