
Mar 27, 2008 22:57

i generally find food posts boring, but in case you are interested, im writing this down so i can remember....

(i may have been inspired by the cumin bread i bought.  its like chili-flavoured toast!)
i made entirely unorthodox vegan chili (mostly making it up as i went along) and it came out way better than i expected.

1 onion
1 small beet
1 medium red potato
2 carrots
1/2 parsnip
1 small zucchini
3 cloves garlic
1 can stewed peeled tomatoes
1/2 a large fresh tomato
1/2 cup green lentils
(mostly organic, including the toms)

2 tbsp barley miso
some red table wine
sea salt
~1/4 tsp each of:
curry powder
some cloves, cinnamon, ginger (powder)
~1/8 cup dulse flakes

+in a cast-iron pan, sauteed the onions, then the rest of the veg on low heat until they were al dente.
+chopped the stewed toms apart (knife in the can method) and poured the whole thing in a saucepan on medium heat. 
+added a little water, barley miso, wine to the toms. 
+started adding spices to veg and toms.
+when the veg was ready and the miso dissolved, threw the veg into the saucepan.
+added 1/2 fresh tom and enough water to cover the veg and cooked on med heat for ~1/2 hour
+added lentils and more water (to cover).
+kept cooking on low heat, checking occasionally. probably another 1-2 hours, i wasnt paying much attention. 
+somewhere in there i tasted, mashed to the desired texture with a potato masher, added dulse.

and voila, its pretty good.


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