
Apr 11, 2007 20:19

So fark.com had a message board challenge "Define your sex life with a Star Wars quote." Honestly, the stuff people came up with was excellent, so I decided I'd give mine and then post the best ones.

First mine: "This is Red Five - I'm going in!"

The other awesome ones:
You came in that thing? You're braver than I thought.

Aren't you kinda short to be a stormtrooper?

"I'm your father."
/wait what?
//oh god--the repressed memories

Get in there, you big furry oaf! I don't care what you smell!


"I don't know who you are or where you've come from, but from now on you'll do as I say, okay?"

You serve your master well and are sure to be rewarded.

I know it smells bad, but it will keep you warm

Don't get too cocky

"I know."

This little one's not worth the effort

It's not my fault! They told me it was fixed !

"Luke, at that speed do you think you'll be able to pull out in time?"

Yeah, but this time I've *got* the money.

it's a trap!

I don't know who you are or where you've come from, but from now on you'll do as I say, okay?

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.

Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not

I have something here for you. Your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough, but your uncle wouldn't allow it.

Impressive. Most impressive.

Greedo: That's the idea... I've been looking forward to this for a long time.
Han Solo: Yeah, I'll bet you have.
[SFX: Boom!]

Han Solo: Sorry about the mess.

I got a problem here.
I can hold it.
Pull up!
No, I'm all right... ahhh!

Negative. It didn't go in. Just impacted on the surface.

Gold Leader: It's no good down here, I can't maneuver!
Gold Five: Stay on target.
Gold Leader: *We're too close!*
Gold Five: Stay on target!
Gold Leader: [shouts] Loosen up!

You got a lot of carbon scoring here. It looks like you boys
have seen a lot of action.

I find your lack of faith disturbing.

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Summarize your sex life with a Star Wars quote
This article posted to the Main page on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 at 1:56 PM
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2007-04-11 01:30:36 PM Kusanagi

You came in that thing? You're braver than I thought.

2007-04-11 01:32:00 PM Dread Pirate Slasher

Aren't you kinda short to be a stormtrooper?

2007-04-11 01:32:23 PM absoluteparanoia

"I'm your father."

/wait what?
//oh god--the repressed memories

2007-04-11 01:32:26 PM mildmildwest

I've got a bad feeling about this

2007-04-11 01:32:33 PM Crystal Girl

Get in there, you big furry oaf! I don't care what you smell!

2007-04-11 01:32:37 PM Wild EEP

Someone's got to save our skins!

2007-04-11 01:32:56 PM Rev.K

You'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villianry.

2007-04-11 01:32:59 PM BXRWXR

She doesn't like you.

I don't like you either. You just watch yourself.

2007-04-11 01:33:03 PM Dragynwing

The Force is strong with this one.

2007-04-11 01:33:19 PM rickythepenguin


2007-04-11 01:33:19 PM scallywaghotness

Even I get boarded sometimes. Do you think I had a choice?

/Too good to pass up

2007-04-11 01:33:26 PM anal brazil men

"I don't know who you are or where you've come from, but from now on you'll do as I say, okay?"

2007-04-11 01:33:29 PM Admiral_John

You serve your master well and are sure to be rewarded.

2007-04-11 01:33:32 PM SmoothTex

"That's no moon, it's a space station!"

2007-04-11 01:33:33 PM Rev.K

I know it smells bad, but it will keep you warm.

2007-04-11 01:33:41 PM Dragynwing

Let the Wookie win.

2007-04-11 01:33:51 PM Slim Pickens

"All tha hot biatchez be steppin' off, offerin theyselves to me."

2007-04-11 01:33:58 PM Dom Roark

A tremor in the Force. The last time I felt it was in the presence of my old master.

2007-04-11 01:34:06 PM Huskadoodle

Don't get too cocky

2007-04-11 01:34:17 PM Dragynwing


2007-04-11 01:34:22 PM aquigley

"I know."

2007-04-11 01:34:30 PM runchkin

This little one's not worth the effort. Now come, let me get you something.

2007-04-11 01:34:31 PM KarmicHoax

This little one's not worth the effort

2007-04-11 01:34:35 PM UnstoppableDrew

It's not my fault! They told me it was fixed !

2007-04-11 01:34:38 PM Crystal Girl

"Luke, at that speed do you think you'll be able to pull out in time?"

2007-04-11 01:34:49 PM Uberchief

Yeah, but this time I've *got* the money.

2007-04-11 01:34:53 PM Dragynwing

it's a trap!

2007-04-11 01:34:57 PM blessthe40oz

I don't know who you are or where you've come from, but from now on you'll do as I say, okay?

2007-04-11 01:35:07 PM antisocialite

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.

2007-04-11 01:35:09 PM timmy_the_tooth

2007-04-11 01:35:14 PM aquigley

2007-04-11 01:34:30 PM runchkin
This little one's not worth the effort. Now come, let me get you something.
2007-04-11 01:34:31 PM KarmicHoax
This little one's not worth the effort

See, now that's a simulpost worth putting into a profile.

2007-04-11 01:35:36 PM MissHoneychurch

Crystal Girl: Get in there, you big furry oaf! I don't care what you smell!

Haha! I love you.

2007-04-11 01:35:45 PM Kusanagi

We meet again, at last. The circle is now complete. When I met you I was but the learner. Now, *I* am the master.

2007-04-11 01:35:47 PM KarmicHoax

Gold Leader: It's no good down here, I can't maneuver!
Gold Five: Stay on target.
Gold Leader: *We're too close!*
Gold Five: Stay on target!
Gold Leader: [shouts] Loosen up!
Gold Five: Gold Five to Red leader, I Lost Tiree, Lost Dutch. They came from... behind!

2007-04-11 01:35:51 PM TripTheLightFantastic

Do or do not. There is no try.

/I dunno, it's the first thing that came to my mind.

2007-04-11 01:35:52 PM ICDedPpl



2007-04-11 01:35:57 PM WhatYouSay

Its just a series of R2D2 beeps.

2007-04-11 01:35:58 PM Sumpinlikedat

2007-04-11 01:36:06 PM Dragynwing

Impressive. Most impressive.

2007-04-11 01:36:27 PM Big Pimpin' Pappy

"I used to bulls-eye womprats in my T-16 back home"

2007-04-11 01:36:34 PM ajax6677

"I don't know who you are or where you've come from, but from now on you'll do as I say, okay? "

/say my name biatch

2007-04-11 01:36:35 PM Sumpinlikedat

timmy_the_tooth: Other Vader pic

Dammit. Great minds. You know. Blah blah blah.

2007-04-11 01:36:35 PM Uberchief

I have something here for you. Your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough, but your uncle wouldn't allow it.

2007-04-11 01:36:57 PM President Raygun

The sand people walk in single file to hide their numbers.

I got nothing.

2007-04-11 01:37:02 PM Dragynwing

Kusanagi: We meet again, at last. The circle is now complete. When I met you I was but the learner. Now, *I* am the master.

that's a good one.

2007-04-11 01:37:15 PM Crystal Girl

"Grab it. Almost ... you almost got it. Gently now, alright, easy, easy..."

2007-04-11 01:37:18 PM ozone

“Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm? Hmm. And well you should not."

2007-04-11 01:37:18 PM likelyculprit

TK421, why aren't you at your post?

2007-04-11 01:37:38 PM oldfarthenry

`sex life' and `Star Wars'? Those words just don't fit together.

2007-04-11 01:37:46 PM ICDedPpl

Wonderful girl. Either I'm going to kill her or I'm beginning to like her.

2007-04-11 01:37:50 PM EvilEgg

Han shot first.

/so do I
//I know it's not a quote from the movie

2007-04-11 01:37:59 PM Irish15

[just a glowing lightsabre waving back and forth in front of the Princess' face]

2007-04-11 01:38:01 PM Manfred Richthofen

"You are a little short for a stormtrooper."

2007-04-11 01:38:15 PM Uberchief

Wonderful girl. Either I'm going to kill her or I'm beginning to like her.

2007-04-11 01:38:15 PM KarmicHoax

So... you got your reward and you're just leaving then?

2007-04-11 01:38:47 PM crunchyfist

do or do not. there is no try.

2007-04-11 01:38:54 PM Squarebobspongepants

Laugh it up, fuzzball!!

2007-04-11 01:38:59 PM Shiat talking Mushrooms

*Looks down at crotch*

"He could use a good kiss!"

2007-04-11 01:39:00 PM TripTheLightFantastic


Sorry about the mess.

2007-04-11 01:39:02 PM Nabb1

Negative. It didn't go in. Just impacted on the surface.

2007-04-11 01:39:16 PM whatwouldbuffydo

Crystal Girl: Get in there, you big furry oaf! I don't care what you smell!


2007-04-11 01:39:24 PM Grandmaster Poopypants

It didn't go in. Just impacted on the surface.

2007-04-11 01:39:57 PM peck

Turn them off! Turn them ALL off!

2007-04-11 01:40:04 PM Uberchief

Put that thing away, you're gonna get us all killed!

2007-04-11 01:40:49 PM Grandmaster Poopypants

(shakes fist)

Nabb1 shot first.

2007-04-11 01:41:04 PM Howie Spankowitz


2007-04-11 01:41:08 PM KarmicHoax

Perhaps she would respond to an alternative form of persuasion.

2007-04-11 01:41:45 PM EL_FABREZ

If I could I'd probably be a virgin anyways.

2007-04-11 01:41:50 PM OyleSylck

Yub nub!

2007-04-11 01:41:54 PM Dom Roark

She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts, kid.

2007-04-11 01:41:56 PM spacely_sprocket

Greedo: That's the idea... I've been looking forward to this for a long time.
Han Solo: Yeah, I'll bet you have.
[SFX: Boom!]
Han Solo: Sorry about the mess.

2007-04-11 01:41:57 PM crunchyfist

evacuate? In our moment of triumph?

2007-04-11 01:42:14 PM BullsHitter

Yeah, but this time I've *got* the money.

2007-04-11 01:42:20 PM never odd or even

I got a problem here.
I can hold it.
Pull up!
No, I'm all right... ahhh!

2007-04-11 01:42:23 PM Dragynwing

lol...has anyone quoted something from the 3 crappy movies?

2007-04-11 01:42:47 PM Number23


Most impressive.

2007-04-11 01:42:59 PM Dragynwing

besides nooooooooooooooooo! i mean

2007-04-11 01:43:00 PM Kusanagi

Rahsa Naba Doe-ah Gola Wookiee Nipple Pinchy

2007-04-11 01:43:04 PM byss

I thought they smelled bad.... on the outside

2007-04-11 01:43:18 PM insane_idoru

oldfarthenry: `sex life' and `Star Wars'? Those words just don't fit together.

The hell they don't.

Gold Leader: They're coming in! Three marks and 2-10!
Gold Leader: It's no good down here, I can't maneuver!
Gold Five: Stay on target.
Gold Leader: *We're too close!*
Gold Five: Stay on target!
Gold Leader: Loosen up!
Gold Five: Gold Five to Red leader, I Lost Tiree, Lost Dutch. They came from... behind!

Obi-Wan: We'll take him together. You go in on his left.

Princess Leia: Into the garbage chute, flyboy.

And then my favorite of the quotes on fark:
"Cover me, Porkins."
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