Well it is if you've ever spent time paintakingly downloading a fic chapter-by-chapter from an archive that doesn't support that handy 'print whole story' feature as Teaspoon does, for example. FF.net and Fiction Alley are two of the former... so some bright spark has come up with a piece of software callled (inventively enough...) Fanfiction Downloader. It's set up for use with ff.net by default, and you just copy the link to the first chapter, the software calculates the number of chapters... and then downloads the whole lot as a single (or multiple, if you prefer) file to your HDD. Formats include .doc, .pdf, and .html. It really does work! Google it.
I'm also currently working on revising the synopsis for Difficult Term for the Chalet School with GGB. Hopefully - hopefully! - this means that the book will be published this year, because it's now five years since I wrote the thing, and I'd like to feel free to move on to other writing, both academic and original.
My current obsession is with Classic!Who and SJA which I got for Christmas and have fallen in love with all over again. So much so that I actually downloaded all of Series 2 from veoh (fabulous, fabulous video quality, and fast download times), and that's saying something since the DL'd vids are not subtitled. Granted, I was able to get The Temptation of SJS and Enemy of the Bane off the telly, but still another four stories to struggle through. I'm buying the books to help - they're rather dire, but they are remarkably close to the script. At least by my reckoning Series 2 should be broadcast on telly by March... or possibly April. I s'pose it's too optimistic to hope that the boxset will be released any time soon.
And, being me, I've produced fic related to SJA. It's an AU of The Lost Boy, and I'd very much like feedback. Partly because I am determined to finish it (I deliberately conceived it as a relatively short piece) because, you know, it's good for self-discipline to actually finish stuff.
Linky here I'm going Nanny sitting tomorrow. For the benefit of anyone who's interested, my grandmother was rushed into hossie on New Year's with suspected (later proved) appendicitis. Shades of Julie Lucy, people. She came so close to a ruptured appendix that they had to open her right up, and that's not something to sneeze at when you're 73. She's been staying at my mum's, but weather permitting is relocating home tomorrow and I've to join her as I said. So I get two dog free days which is both nice and really weird...
and Happy Very Belated New Year to you all!