Dec 08, 2018 14:52
A solution I can think of for addressing the Global Oven we're cooking in right now, would be an enforcement of days off. Legally, through government. Enforce Sunday off, Saturday off, even Friday, depending how drastic we need. This seems as if it would cause the least social disruption while straight-up cutting down on carbon emissions of businesses. Do not allow industry or factory or business to be open more than 12hours/day or something like that. Bare minimal services maintained those off days, like police and hospital. Enforce a travel ban also.
Days off would also address the mental health issues we have.
Innovation and inventive people would still think during those times, so it's not like we'd be slowing down all progress of switching to sustainable energy sources.
Not that I don't desire a more equal world to live in, oh how that would be nice, but social upheaval is painful.
If everyone were to have to abide the same rules changes, there would be no relative change to this process, meaning little social upheaval locally where the changes happen. Of course, industry could move to another country whose laws are less strict...but only until more countries get on board with their own ways of combating our destruction.