Dec 08, 2018 09:06
Global Warming is currently set to Mass Extinction.
It Will Eat Your Children. It will probably eat me in the process.
8chan gave me that number. I think I will adopt it.
You are too ignorant to know what you Need. You haven't gone to your corner long enough. I strongly suggest you go back there.
The best thing in the most immediate short-term ends up being the best thing in the farthest long-term. I understand this as a Universal Truth.
There is no such thing as Economic Need. The economy is great right now, yet there are still people who are starving. We are still not meeting everyone's Needs.
There is peace in the Here and Now. Hope? I do not need hope, the future is now.
-You can be content with grasping that sitting and doing nothing (ie: meditating) will change our global environment while believing that every minute you do nothing, you are saving humanity's future.
-You can believe that the Holy Spirit did enter me (I believe it did) and believe in signs and portents of the Bible
-You can adopt the full intellectualization and understanding of Karmic Laws that describe, quite accurately, cause and effect on large, evolutionary scales, and how they BEGIN from individual states of being.
-You can take meditation and use it selfishly for your own good. <--- best of both worlds right here
Alternative steps to turning into a complete lump:
Demand your government finds Carbon Neutral ways of supplying us with electricity. Because even I am failing on the 'live without electricity' scale. The globe might be hot, but it's below freezing outside right now. I might be able to sit and do nothing like a lump, but I'm still using my computer.
Demand laws based on science and saving the planet.
Everything you want, everything that is...recognize what is Need versus what is Want
Drastic? Of course this is drastic. (It is less drastic than a North Korean-type regime.)
Every new human generation has an increased ability to adapt to dramatic lifestyle changes, because to them, it will just be normal. It is only us older generations who must accede to these changes within our lifetime.
We need to slow down the treadmill. If we place all of our hope on science to save us, that is demanding we keep apace with a fast-moving treadmill. The treadmill's speed is controlled by our own individual pace of life, but only gets noticed after the fact. Much like how the hottest part of the summer is only long after the solstice, there's a delay. Ingenuity and intelligence will only get us so far.
My laziness is good on a global scale.