Dec 27, 2007 09:31
Howdy! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!
I think it slipped my mind that I still had a livejournal account and now, here we are, reunited! It's doubtful how much time I will be able to spend writing on here, but since my work computer will not allow me to view facebook, myspace or any of that "garbage" I may have to wear off some time doing this again. (Seriously, they can't even let me have facebook!!?! ugh).
Here's what's NEW:
* I got a job working for the Soil and Water Conservation District (a subsidiary of the USDA) in Lawrence County as a Technician/Educator and it's great! I spend most of my time (although I'm still learning) with the technical aspect of my job, reviewing construction plans for land owners (to make sure they meet environmental standards), testing water, mucking around in cow pastures surveying areas to set up watering basins that are hooked to natural springs and also restabilizing eroded areas such as ponds. There are so many partnerships with other resource conservation agencies so there will be a lot to do. The other half of the job entails going into the school systems to teach children about the environment and agriculture. Simply put, I love it! It affords me so much freedom, it's a salaried 8-4 job with lunch break off, 14 paid holidays, 2 sick days a month (that rollover), and after I've worked there one year - 2 weeks of vacation! I think that's all pretty standard but I guess I am just overwhelmed at the idea of having a real job and not waitressing or working with "special" people (my summer/fall job) who try to manhandle me like they are some kind of Baby Huey, throwing boogers and scabs around in my car.....(yeah, yeah, applaud my sensitive humanitarian heart psht). So this is great news for me and I am brimming with anticipation for 2008!
*One of my closest friends is getting married this year and I am going to be a Maid of Honor. I am so happy for her, but the degree to which this changes our lives as we have known it cannot yet be calculated....I just get this melancholy sense of it when I am around her. Nonetheless - cheers to that.
*I have been reading Dave Ramsey and it has totally changed my ideas of how I manage money; I actually save money and have been investing it and have started making plans for finishing up the payments on my student debt.
* Oh and I just finished up the last Harry Potter book in like 2 and a half days....I am so sleep-deprived! Otherwise, I have been going to bed really early like some middle-aged woman and I can't really think of the last time I got drunk at a bar...oh well.
*Also, in a matter of 24 hours I was given 4 different kitty calendars from 4 different people! (around the office, and one from my 'special' bowling partner, Randy. The truth is, I think I'm allergic to cats and not all that fond of them in teh firstplace. This flood of cat calendars seems funny to me....and don't frown if any of you get one for xmas next year when I start regifting haha !
what's NOT NEW:
- Delaney and I are still living together in Bloomington. We have been working out some of our differences; I regret that we moved in too quickly and never really had a chance to go crazy over eachother, but things are normal, ... for us, I guess.
- My Dad is still in Iraq working...we should see him in February when he comes home for "xmas" and then again this summer; My mom and my brother and I are going to meet him somewhere in Europe for a 2 week vacation, probably on Siphnos in the Greek Isles.
- I am still a heavy smoker, contemplating quitting and moaning about buying a gym pass for the new year. blah
I'd love to hear what y'all are up to! I'm breaking out the Carhartt this afternoon at work - wish me luck! :)