Man... work has been hectic... Still waiting on the final word from the auditors... hopefully once we sort out the first range of issues we'll get the all clear... there is a tight time frame to follow without adding twists.
100 pressup challenge is going well... at the mid point test I managed 40, with the sore back that has been coming on and off the last week holding me back, but it has been feeling much better today and I have high expectations of myself, and in 2 weeks I expect to be a push up machine!
Change is in the wind at Wushu... and I have decisions to make about my future, my path, and my challenges.
Liana has been really full on with Uni, and we are both looking forward to summer, when we can get our weekends back get out into nature and travel a bit more... starting with Leigh, and then hopefully a bit further a field.