Sooooo I did it: volunteered for
Sweet Charity along with the rest of you awesome people! Here's my offer:
I'll write one fic of at least 5,000 words in either the Supernatural or CW RPS fandom. I've written mostly Sam/Dean and Jared/Jensen before, but I'll be happy to give gen or het a shot, too! Or SPN slash that isn't Wincest. Yay OMCs! I'm a huge fan of writing to prompts, so the more specific the prompt, the more I'll love you.
I realize that this is extremely open-ended. Also, I'm a little nervous. It's kind of scary to put yourself out there for this! WHAT IF NO ONE BIDS.
There's not a whole lot to talk about around here, really. Uh, I've started senior year of college! I'm a little off-kilter at the moment. Coming back after being abroad for a year is even weirder than I'd thought it would be. I keep feeling like there are things I should be doing that I'm not actually doing, like orientation or something. I have to keep reminding myself that there is no orientation for SENIORS. (Don't know why there isn't, though! There really should be. There are classroom buildings that didn't exist the last time I was here. I have linguistics in one of them!)
As far as classes go, most of them are looking like they're going to be pretty boring, woohoo, but creative writing looks like it will be AWESOME. I hope I am not wrong about this.
In other news, it has finally cooled down from the 110-degree weather we were having on move-on day last Saturday! THANK GOD. I got actual goosebumps last night, and it was super exciting. On Labor Day it was so hot that four of my friends and I fled to the beach. That's the weird thing about Southern California: it's almost invariably cooler in L.A. and on the beaches than it is inland. Hello, desert, you are strange. So the five of us hung out on the beach just north of Santa Monica and made a sand sculpture of a larger-than-life woman with especially large boobs. Kind of funny to see the reactions of passerby to five 21-year-old girls sitting on the beach and sculpting a well-endowed woman, but WHATEVER. Actually, it was even funnier how many people totally did not notice it at all. And these were some serious boobs, yo. It's really too bad none of us brought a camera.
Speaking of boobs, off to write some genderswap! I love making Sam get all hot and bothered at the sight of Dean's admittedly fantastic rack. \o/