day four: albuquerque, new mexico!

Aug 28, 2007 21:57

We weren't really expecting to make it all the way from Tulsa to Albuquerque today, but we did, hooray! So I mentioned there'd be more photographic evidence of my travels. Here we go!

I think I might've neglected to mention that we went to Graceland yesterday morning before we left Memphis. What a patently weird place. It was the thirtieth anniversary of the King's death last week (it's called Death Week, no joke) and so there were all kinds of crazy floral arrangements around his grave and the driveway. I'm sure they're around all the time, but they were especially prominent now:

The inside of the house is the most amazing kind of kitsch ever -- people should not have been allowed to decorate during the seventies, for serious -- and yet it didn't seem particularly weird to me at all, because it looked just like the interior of the house my mom grew up in, only more so. More shag carpet, more hideous stuffed animals, more mirrors. If my mom's parents had been as rich as Elvis, I think they would have done even more ridiculous things with Graceland than Elvis did.

Also near Graceland:

It intersects with Elvis Presley Blvd., you guys! How cool is that? /dorky

Anyway, then we were in Tulsa, like I wrote yesterday, and I didn't take any pictures. Oops. I tried to make up for it today, though!

Dean totally stopped there. "HOMEMADE PIE, Sammy, come on! What part of this do you not understand?"

When Sam was four years old, John took him and Dean to the McDonald's in Tucumcari, New Mexico, and he saw this painting on the wall. Sam has been TERRIFIED of clowns ever since.

Coolest beer label EVER. And it was good beer, too! I had it with dinner in Old Town Albuquerque tonight at a Tex-Mex place where I overate intensely.

And last but not least, the classiest tan line ever.

. . . The left arm tan. This is what you get for driving west during the middle of the day with your left arm in direct sunlight and not wearing suntan lotion. \o/

Anyway, I'm about to pass out, as seems to be the norm on this trip. And again, if anything important happens with you guys, let me know or drop me a link or something!

pictures, driving, rl, randomness

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