So, after three days of driving, we're in Tulsa, Oklahoma! Doing pretty well for ourselves here, I think. We unexpectedly stayed with some friends in Memphis last night (by which I mean, we called them when we were an hour outside of the city and they said, "Hey, come stay with us!"), and they took us out for delicious fried catfish and then we walked along the banks of the Mississippi River and stayed in their awesome old house. Good times!
In Tennessee we saw such wonders as tractor-trailers without the trailer that were instead towing other tractors, and in Arkansas we saw flatbed trailers with houses on them being driven down I-40. Also good times! And we just got back a little while ago from meeting up with
flamehail and her boyfriend for dinner, yaaaay! There will be more photographic evidence of the trip to follow, I'm just about to pass out here. Oh, but quickly one more fun sight: a sign on the Muskogee Turnpike between I-40 and Tulsa informed us that a McDonalds was, sic, '18 miles a head'.
. . . Thank you, America.
I am trying to write fic as I go here, but am failing rather miserably at that, since I'm driving half the time and the other half the time I seem to be doing a whole lot of staring off into space / at scenery / at sights like 'McDonalds 18 miles a head'. Eh well. I'm enjoying myself anyway, although driving wears you out after a while, yeesh. How do Sam and Dean do it all the time?
Anyway, I just tried to skim the last two days' worth of my flist, and have come to the conclusion that I am never going to get caught up, so if anything hugely important happened to you guys recently, drop me a line, mkay? (Other than the bandom wank. It was impossible to miss the bandom wank.) Hope you're all doing well, anyway!