Uh, I have a new default icon! Dean Winchester looking down was my icon since I first got into SPN (so uh, since March, omg):
But much as I love him, it was sort of time for a new one. So, pretty, colorful
unamaga icon!
No one will recognize me on the internet EVER NOW, will they, Ash? Ahaha.
Anyway, I am currently working on four different things in three different fandoms. Er, two fandoms and an original TV show, I guess I should say. (The last of which is a BOARDING SCHOOL STORY, and I am in love with every single character on it, and yes, it might never see the light of day, but WHATEVER, IT ROCKS, THE END.) For ages I only ever worked on one story at once, and now I am more-or-less actively working on FOUR. Two J2, one McShep (which
walkawayslowly and I keep calling McSheep, because we are ridiculous, and it cracks us up) and the TV show, not even counting the at least . . . four? five? other stories that are in progress or in some state of revision, and wow, I didn't it was possible to love this many stories and this many characters THIS MUCH all at once. Does anybody else feel that way? Like, just sort of FULL OF LOVE for a whole big bunch of characters or different permutations of characters, and incapable of choosing which ones you love the most at any given time because they are all that awesome? Yeah.
I think I had something more to say, but instead I think I am going to go hang out with McKay and Sheppard. Or maybe the Never Been Kissed Js. Or maybe the TOTALLY AWESOME Js from
memphis86's and my crackfic. I can't decide! But whichever ones I pick, I know it'll be so much fun, and that is a pretty amazing thing.