Yes, it's been about twelve weeks since I last wrote in my blog.
Since that time, I've...
-Finished all my classes (YES.)
-Gotten an art area scholarship to boot (YES!)
-Started knitting like mad
-And taken up contra dancing.
Now for more about the last two.
I'm using the humongous amount of spare time I have nowadays to work on projects that I might have deemed too darn tough to attempt while attending my classes, which took up most of my time anyway (sometimes I'd get home around 11:00 at night...not fun when you're in class starting at 8:00 in the AM).
So now I'm currently working on a pair of socks for my father-- I figure it'll be a joint Father's Day/birthday gift. They've been the socks from HELL, I kid you not. I kept getting the sizing off, despite checking my gauge. Which meant that I was knitting sasquatch socks. Needless to say, I've frogged it OVER and OVER again and now I think I've finally hit the right size.
Pictures will come when I finish. I finally decided to buy my camera a new USB cord after spending months looking high and low for my old one...which...disappeared? Unfortunately, I decided to be cheap and got one for a dollar off ebay. So now it takes around 30 minutes to load all my pictures. Which really cuts into my battery time.
Oh yeah, and contra dancing.
A friend from my Spanish 2002 class asked me if I'd like to go to the last contra dancing she'd be attending before heading off to Spain. I agreed, despite having not even the slightest clue what contra dancing would be.
Well, from 7:30-11:00 pm last Saturday I contra danced.
It involves alot of swinging, running around, and partner switching, all done to bluegrass and Irish jigs.
You get very sweaty. So does everyone else.
There's a caller who tells you the moves during the songs (played by a live band!), until later in the song when he stops telling you what to do, which is mildly stressful.
But I...actually really enjoyed myself.
I think I'll be going back!
You can read more about it
Hand-spinning, knitting, gardening, contra dancing...
I'm basically one small step away from joining a drum circle, and upon joining a drum circle I will pretty much be a true bonafide crazy hippie lady.
Pretty sad, eh?
Anyway, hope all of you are having as much fun as I am. Here's to hoping for more frequent postings in the near future.