Sep 08, 2010 12:54
so i guess livejournal decided to change my settings. that's fine, and i'm too lazy to correct them.
ahh... so it's been about 4 months since my last update. so much for getting back to not neglecting the lj! oh wellz.
so belize. my dear friend alison visited for about a month and a half in june/july/august. it was an amazing time. now i'm sitting here, work is slow, and i spend most of my time staring at the computer screen. my co-workers and bosses are stressful and i generally feel like i'm currently wasting my time. fantastic. i have a little over three months to go and no job in site. thankfully, one of the biologist that came to do research a few weeks ago has offered to help me out in that aspect. now if i could just get motivated to set it all in motion...
belize is a beautiful country. i like it here. kind of. i am tired of the third-world nature of it all though. corruption, back-stabbing, violence, crime, ignorance, lawlessness... obviously this is present everywhere, but it's even more abundant here. the machismo attitude is unsettling. i've been hit on here probably more times than i have in my entire life. albeit, it's not all belizeans but they generally cat call when i'm walking around. tourists and ex-pats are also guilty. monogamy is not a word that is used here; most men are in relationship or even married... yet they still hit on other women. i miss america where the norm appears to be monogamy and my first question doesn't have to be "do you have a girlfriend?". sigh.
distance makes the heart grow fonder. here, and there. funny how people change when you leave the country for a year.. for the better and for the worst. i'm fairly certain a good friend is no more and others have become better friends. interesting how life and relationships change in the small span of a year... or just 9 months.
other things i miss about america? my friends, family, beer that isn't belikin, sushi, tv, couches, non-stupidly slow internet, not feeling like a piece of meat, the freedom to go places, not fitting in culturally, paved roads, less humidity, not being dirty 24/7, not sleeping under a mosquito net, healthy food options... i could go on and on, but that won't make the time pass any faster.
such a somber post. i'm just so bored and currently feeling like i am lacking a purpose here. i have days off coming up soon, which will help. if only this squirrel would hurry himself along to not needing formula, i'd be set...
being stuck in limbo kind of sucks. le sigh.