Patriotic rage!

Nov 01, 2011 19:30

If one more person tells me "Ooh, you dressed up as a Communist for Halloween!" I am going to [insert terrifying threat here that I cannot actually utter because the CIA might read this if I apply for a job there] Let's just say, SO HELP THEM GOD. In all fairness I understand that the uniform might look similar to a Soviet one, but it does say "U.S ( Read more... )

rage rage rage, rant, y u no?!

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canadaphile November 2 2011, 05:42:39 UTC
I guess I can see where someone may think it's Soviet. That shade of green with the red makes me think Soviet right off the bat, in all honesty.

What uniform is it, exactly?

Hey, Cap'n, you're looking rather short again...xD



cattiechaos November 2 2011, 05:49:25 UTC
Yeah, I definitely see where they're coming from; the star on the hat probably doesn't help matters either.

It's not an official US military uniform, it's just a cute little outfit that I found online on some costume shop. I am a huge supporter of the military so I thought it'd be cute if I wore it as a show of my support.


Hehe, in his defense, my friend and I were both wearing really tall shoes. But he is on the short side. Shh :')


canadaphile November 2 2011, 06:05:15 UTC
Yea, if you Google Soviet uniforms, you'll find a couple with that kind of vintage military green with red accents. American uniforms rarely have red, interestingly enough.

If it's really a concern, I'm sure you could modify it a bit. Particular pins, maybe change that star on the hat, easy stuff like that...


cattiechaos November 2 2011, 06:15:50 UTC
I believe that the British militia used to have red military uniforms, until they were completely slaughtered at a particular battle whose name currently escapes my mind. (Red is really conspicuous in a jungle background, whodathunkit?)

Well, I'm not going to wear the costume again, so that's that xD


canadaphile November 2 2011, 14:36:53 UTC
The British were very fond of their red, even though it made them stick out very badly until the colour faded. Now, red's saved for fancy officer's dress, band, re-enactments, and stuff like that. (I prefer the green or blue.)

It looks like comfy material. You could wear it as a normal top. Military style is pretty popular in modern fashion.


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