Patriotic rage!

Nov 01, 2011 19:30

If one more person tells me "Ooh, you dressed up as a Communist for Halloween!" I am going to [insert terrifying threat here that I cannot actually utter because the CIA might read this if I apply for a job there] Let's just say, SO HELP THEM GOD. In all fairness I understand that the uniform might look similar to a Soviet one, but it does say "U.S Military" on it; and it's more polite to ask "Are you a Communist?" than "OOO YOU'RE A COMMUNIST!" As a patriotic American, I absolutely do not support communism in any way, shape, or form. I even had someone ask me if I was a Nazi.

You know, I am not German, but everyone knows I'm studying the German language, I listen to Rammstein, and I'm an aspiring WWII historian and hence, I know a lot about the Third Reich (how do you study WWII without learning about the Nazis?) This obviously doesn't make me a Nazi, and nor does studying the Russian language/history make me a Communist! (That's not even mentioning the fact that Russia is no longer Communist and Germany is now democratic.)

For the love of all things holy. Next time anything like this happens, I am going to just say


Well, now that that's off my shoulders...I am thoroughly enjoying Hima-papa's Halloween event, I had a relatively enjoyable Halloween, and here is a picture of my "controversial" costume (or so it seems to be). Featuring my 7th grade pre-algebra teacher as Captain America and my best friend as Joan from Mad Men :)

rage rage rage, rant, y u no?!

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