Mar 08, 2007 22:54
why do i have to be so stupid?
what i did, technically wasnt that bad. i mean, i was curious, i had to know.
im not going to say exactly what i did but let's just say that it's sort of an invasion of privacy; kind of semi-stalkerish, semi-crazy girlfriend snooping aroundish.
but. well...i guess i really can say it, i dont care, because he doesnt have a livejournal!
warning: this is going to sound weird and stalkerish...and really immature. but whatever. i warned you.
anyways. his/my boyfriend's comments are hidden. i was curious, so basically i found a way to view all hidden comments. so i went through the long process of downloading and copy-ing and pasting just so i could be a psycho girlfriend.
what i found did not make me happy.
i will give you the short version. he is still talking to his ex-girlfriend and they are sending each other overly nice/sweet comments with "<3" plastered all throughout.
should i be upset? should i be worried? should i say something to him?
"oh. by the way. i hacked onto your myspace comments and noticed you are talking to AJ again...uh...what's up with that?"
not exactly.
so, right now, all that i am doing, is asking for a little guidance.
i feel so clueless.