AtS/BtVS drabble? WTF? Oh, it was written for the
AtS/BtVS Drabblethon.
Dru/Angelus, of the G kind. Sort of family, too.
A place to call home
“My bed is big enough for two. Can I keep her?” She’s playful; almost childish.
“No, Dru. We’ve been through this. You’ll get one for you when we settle down,” his dark eyes are cold. He’s moody, probably tired and hungry.
“We never stay in the same city twice. I dream of a place called home,” she protests and decides to finish of the French whore that bleeds before her. It’s no use to let the velvety food go to waste.
“The world is our home,” he tells her, trying to be patient. Dru is only a newborn, after all.
This goes to show
dreamtree and
kelly_mercer that I still sign up for ficathons! Soon I'll begin banging my head against the desk as I try to get my Alias Slash Ficathon assignment written.