For Aura...

Apr 04, 2020 08:42

Part of a headcanon I have about Zoe and Wash's daughter, Aura, played by Quvenzhane Wallis (when she was just a kid). For lighthouse_the.

Fandom: Firefly
Words: 401
Rating: G

Aura snuggled down under the covers. "That was fun, Mommy. I like birthdays!"

Zoe stretched out next to her daughter on the big bed. "It was fun, wasn't it? Well I have one more surprise for you, baby." She held up a silver case. "It's something special, from your Daddy."

Aura looked puzzled. "What is it?" she said slowly.

Zoe grinned and held it closer. "I know it don't look like much, but it's what's on it that's special." She shifted around so Aura was in the crook of her arm. "See, your Daddy, he was funny, he was brought up to like old stuff, stuff passed down from your family." She paused, thinking yet again how different they'd been, him raised in the same house his kin had settled since the escape from Old Earth, complete with treasured remnants of that time; her on a ship endlessly prowling The Black, with no more'n' they could stash under a bunk. "Anyway, your dad loved music, of all kinds, especially weird old stuff from way way back." She waggled the silver box. "So, before you were born, he chose some special songs, just for you." She paused again, her throat closing, willing herself not to cry on this most happy of days.

Aura shifted her eyes from staring at the silver box to her mother's face. Peering closely, she started to say something, then instead lay her head on Zoe's shoulder. "But 'music' is just singing, like Kaylee does around the engine, or singing Happy Birthday." Her eyes lit up at the recent memory. "What's on the silver thing?"

Zoe gave the girl a hug, settled her down, and placed the box on the pillow. "Here, I'll show you. Just close your eyes." She pushed a button for them both to listen.

Beautiful (James Blunt)
Don't Worry Be Happy (Bobby McFerrin)
Up Up & Away (Fifth Dimension)
Rainbow Connection (Kermit the Frog)
Our House (Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young)

firefly, fanmix, kidfic

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