As Seen On TV...

Jun 01, 2015 07:32

Challenge was to write a fic that featured a product featured on shopping networks. This immediately sprang to mind.

Fandom: Castle
Words: 391

Castle peered through the dark toward the couch bathed in the glow of the television set. “Beckett?” he said softly. “Honey, are you still up?” Seeing his wife staring intently at the screen, he sighed to himself and called a little more loudly, “Kate? Can’t sleep?”

Kate turned toward him with the look of -not quite a deer in headlights, but more like someone caught watching, yes, it was, The Shopping Channel at 3:12 am. Sighing again, audibly this time, he moved to sit next to her, as she blinked at him and clutched the afghan on her lap.

“Um, no, yeah, it’s this damn thing-“ patting her very pregnant belly - just can’t get comfortable, you know.” Her eyes turned back to the screen, and Castle’s followed.

“Ah. So is that why you are just about to buy…a Boyfriend Pillow?” With one hand he pointed at the TV, with the other he pulled her hand out from under the afghan, where she had been clutching her cel phone. “Sweetheart, c’mon. We still got three or four weeks before the baby comes. You can’t keep buying weird stuff at night; we’re gonna drown in it.” He nodded toward the sideboard, covered in a jumble of half-boxed items.

Kate looked down guiltily. “I know, Castle, I don’t know what’s coming over me, I’ve never been the kind of girl to collect a bunch of crap. For some reason I just felt like I needed … “ her voice trailed off as her eyes fell on the bright pink Air Hair Curler and words seemingly failed her.

Castle’s eyes softened as he reached out to hug her. “It’s okay, baby, I understand. It’s nesting, Mother explained it to me. Just next time, let’s start looking at things that match our decor.” Cuddling her close, he reached to switch off the TV, making a mental note to bring home some Barney’s catalogs tomorrow.

castle, tv_universe, fic

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