Describe in a Tweet

Jan 20, 2015 13:05

Funny challenge for gameofcards: Describe a fandom in the length of a tweet. I did mine as actual tweets from a character; also, I went retro!

From @USAFNelson:
@CaptRog, you know that bottle I brought back from crash landing? You’ll never guess who’s inside! Got a wish? #IDreamofJeannie

From @nosetwitcher:
@GorgeousEndora Now Mother, I know he’s a mortal, but I love him! What could go wrong? #Bewitched

From @JimRockford
@RockyRock Dad quit worrying. Now I’m out, movin into trailer, getting back in PI thing. Safe cases, nothing dicey. Promise. #RockfordFiles

From @CarolM
First date with great guy, architect. Dreamy! He’s fine with my girls; he has three boys! Wonder if this can work? #TheBradyBunch

From @DocHawkeye:
@CrabappleMD Dad made it to Seoul. Still hoping for a slot away from the Front. War is Hell but the nurses are angels. Love you. #MASH

From @Mindy51:
@Sue55 Hey sis, can’t wait to see you. Heads up, got a roomie Mork, kinda strange but harmless. When he says na-nu na-nu, just play along.

From @TheRealMaude
@PalermoPetrillo Ma, Blanche says ok for u to stay at condo few months til they rebuild Palm Acres. A FEW MONTHS I SAID. #GoldenGirls

From @JacktheTripper
@HotCarsLarry Yeah man, living with two cute gals but no shenanigans. It’s complicated. Tell you when I see you. Also, hands off! #3sCompany

game of cards, twitter

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