Dress 'Em Up! Fun Challenge at tv_universe

Jan 19, 2015 17:40

Changing the look of a few favorite TV characters.

"Wait a minute, Mindy, what is this?"
"It's for your reunion picnic, Danny. I thought to myself, well I really want to make an impression, but I don't want to intimidate, so when in Rome...or in this case, when in Staten Island. Or is it...when ON Staten Island?"
"Where the hell did you get the idea that this is how people dress on Staten Island?"
"Where else, Danny? From watching Jersey Shore!"

"This is patently ridiculous, Gregory, and I completely refuse."
"C'mon, Mycroft. You promised to help me go undercover. You can spot the spy action better'n anyone, and it's only for a few hours."
"I reject the notion that any human being anywhere would don such ridiculous garb."
"It's a hipster bar, trust me, they'll all be dressed like this. And after, I'll show you just how sexy you look in these distressed jeans."
"Very well, Gregory. But let it be noted that I'm doing it for Queen and country."
"Just like everything you do, Myc. Just like everything."

"Mother? What is this...a new look? Or wait, don't tell me. Some off-off-Broadway part as a...I actually have no idea what?"
"No, Richard dear, this is completely for your benefit. I couldn't help but overhear you telling Katherine that you wouldn't have minded having more of a 'soccer mom.' So, voila. Your wish is my command."
"Mother, please, I was only joking, and besides, if anything, you should be pranking me by dressing as a soccer grandmother, which this is decidedly not."
"Now, Richard. You see where criticizing me will get you, and I promise you, it can only get worse. And anyway, I'm finding this garb delightfully comfortable. I just might stick with this for a while."
"Arghhhh....okay, shutting up now."
"I think that would be wise, dear."

castle, the mindy project, sherlock bbc, polyvore, tv_universe, picspam

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