More Fixit Fic

Dec 23, 2014 16:05

Fandom: Fringe
Pairing: Olivia/Peter
Rating: G
Word count: 391
Notes: You have to know the show to know. I loved the ending, but I wanted it even less ambiguous!

Peter let himself into the house, and, catching sight of himself in the entry mirror, brushed some dandelion fluff from his hair. Smiling again at the warm memory of the day, he leafed through the mail and simultaneous cocked his ear at the sound of mingled squeals, splashing, and laughter from above.

He was just tearing open a long envelope whenOlivia swung into the room, grasping a bath towel and visibly splattered with water. She made a face. “Next time, your turn,” she said with a mock glower that turned into that still-surprisingly shy smile.

His heart caught as he gazed at her, then at the envelope in his hand. Picking up on his unsteady emotion, her look turned to concern, and she drew near to him, wiping her hands on the towel. She too looked down as he pulled the thin card from the envelope. They stared, suspended for a moment in time. Then their eyes flickered to each other, turned soft again, and they relaxed in twin grins.

“He never forgets, does he?” Olivia said lightly, as she moved to the laundry room to toss the towel in the dryer.

“Nope!” Peter waggled the card. “Walter may be many things-crazy, focused, obsessive, bizarre, did I say crazy? But one thing’s for sure. When he cares about something, he doesn’t forget.” He traced the outline of the line art with his fingertip. “Crazy,” he said fondly.

“Well he’ll be here in an hour or so for dinner; you can tell him that yourself,” Olivia said briskly, coming back through, having switched the bath towel for an apron, which she was tying on neatly.

“I guess I’ll take this up to Ella, show her the latest addition to her collection.” Peter headed toward the stairs. “She in her room?”

“Yup,” Olivia nodded. “Oh and while you’re up there-“ She cocked her head at him affectionately. “We kind of left the bathroom in a bit of a mess. So maybe you could-“ she made a sweeping gesture with her hand.

Now it was his turn to glower. “I knew you’d get me back. I just didn’t think it’d be so soon,” he growled. She waved dismissively. “Deal with it, Bishop. It’s Life.”

“Yeah, yeah,” he laughed, as he bounded up the stairs. “Don’t I know it.”

fixit fic, game of cards, fringe, fic

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