2008 draws to a close

Dec 31, 2008 21:30

What better way to spend New Years Eve than posting LJ memes? Am I right? I love how these things so simply seem to wrap up my year that was. Sure, they skip a few bits, and some things come up more than others...but they're...so...Cath.


Last year I was stepping into a year that was completely planned and structured (in a non-planned and non-structured kind of way). This year, however, I really have no idea what's ahead. I've enrolled in my Social Science (honours) degree but that's it. I am yet to find a job and find out really what 2008 will be about for me and I look forward to experiencing it all unfolding in real time.

Guess what I did today! Laundry! Yay!

...oh no you're not hardcore, unless you live hardcore, and the singer, in the band, was way hard core.
I just walked in the door at 4am after stepping out of a taxi in which I tried to pay with credit on my flimsy little debit card before realising I'd given the poor bugger the wrong card. Whoops.

I just had the greatest living room dance session, lol. I had the first disc of Darren's This Delicate Thing We've Made on and half way through Casey, where it gets to the really good bit, and then after that bit you're like 'oh no, its over' and then you remember that there's an even better bit still to come.

Figured it was time to post - I hadn't yet because I've been a bit stroppy so even now I'm concerned that everything I write will be like one big complaining party, but here I am.

So it's one of those weird things, you feel like you've finally moved on from a period of...'unrest' in your life, and then you have a dream and suddenly things come flying back and you realise that you haven't actually dealt with it at all.

I walked outside for the first time today at 1pm, and was only out for about 10 seconds before running back inside in amazement shouting "Mum! MUM! It's no jumper weather!"

On Friday night I went to the Sigur Ros concert at Festival Hall. It was so great!

It's official! The store opens Saturday 13th September at 10am! Very very exciting!

So I've been reminded a couple of times in the last week that my last big post seemed pretty extreme and as if I wasn't coping at all...and, you know, I guess I wasn't really, but the good news is that I'm almost there.

Last night I rented some DVDs and by chance happened to pick up this documentary 'Who Killed The Electric Car?'.

Today I found the song that will be played at my wedding or my funeral... whichever comes first. Hah.
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