Question Towards Catholicism

Dec 15, 2007 20:12

I, myself, am not a Catholic, nor a Christian in general, but becase my Love is a devout Catholic, I needed to ask a question in regards to her faith so I may understand the aspect more. I may reply to your comments if I feel they do not answer it entirely. I'm doing this so I can understand her more ( Read more... )

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Comments 81

kishiriadgr December 16 2007, 01:19:06 UTC
Hm, ridiculous question about sex from an LJ with no entries in it. TROLL!

I will bitchslap anyone who dignifies this with an answer.


Hmmmm rogueblack December 16 2007, 01:23:09 UTC
Date created: 2007-12-16 01:00:28

Still... galadriel2006 could've wiped the floor with this one.


Re: Hmmmm loveneverfails December 16 2007, 03:22:18 UTC



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selened December 16 2007, 01:24:22 UTC
Any acts of love and affection that are intended for orgasm are immoral, correct?

Incorrect. If you want to understand her more, I suggest you talk to her. Failing that, you may find it helpful to read the relevant sections of our Catechism.


It's not a troll. seychelle December 16 2007, 01:36:21 UTC
Guys... this is my boyfriend posting. It's not a troll. Please answer his question seriously. I think it's flattery I'm called "devout" ahahaha since I don't know much about my own faith, but...

Please answer him because I'm not able to give him a clear enough answer and I don't want to tell him something wrong.

Thanks and peace,


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Re: It's not a troll. seychelle December 16 2007, 01:49:35 UTC
...Questions can no longer be asked in this community then without the usual "google it" response? People here generally answer questions accurately and with great detail.

My apologies. I'll see what answers I can find to his question then on my own.


Re: It's not a troll. fabricdragon December 16 2007, 01:56:29 UTC
hey (waves)
if i can help.... let me know.

(but yeah, while i guessed this wasnt a troll, you gotta admit we have been afflicted with trolls lately, and many of us are a bit touchy. also most of the trolls have been sex related spammage.... bad timing more than anything.)

the short form? sex between husband and wife SHOULD have orgasms, and be fun.

but when fun and orgasms are the ONLY thing, not love. not bonding.. not the possibility of life. but ONLY for pleasure it becomes selfish. thats when its a problem.


truessencepoet December 16 2007, 01:47:39 UTC
What happened to judge ye not be judged? I come here asking an honest question and I'm claimed as a troll. ;_; All I wish for is an honest answer and I was told this would be a good place to do so.


araeil December 16 2007, 01:53:17 UTC
People are judgemental on LJ. They see a new user and assume the worst.
What? New people actually sign up for LJ's daily?! O_O!

Sorry you didnt get the answer you were looking for, and I am of no help.


amyheartssiroc December 16 2007, 02:08:47 UTC
People who come in here with brand new accounts asking sexual questions without having the first idea about actual Catholic doctrine are usually trolling, so you can understand why people would assume that.

If you're really interested in a serious answer, there are some good book recommendations upthread.


tiwonge December 16 2007, 02:40:23 UTC
FWIW, I thought it sounded like an honest question.


fabricdragon December 16 2007, 01:51:31 UTC
i am afraid you are in error. its a common enough misunderstanding though
i am sure this has been answered before, but...

the act of sex is supposed to be both as a physical union (making you both "one flesh") and having the potential (if God wills) of creating new life.
Orgasm, and pleasure, are FINE.. as they are there to help nurture the bond between husband and wife.

what is not good or permitted is using sex selfishly (for pleasure alone, without love, bonding, or the possibility of new life)

so....its absolutely positively DESIRED that between husband and wife there will be sex, and there will be orgasms.

when it turns into selfishness (me, me , me all pleasure and no responsibility)
when it is outside of the marriage (after all, sex makes the bond of "one flesh" a reality.. )
then its a problem.

while all the details get complicated... the basics are simple.
btw, i am coming from a background in multiple religions, feel free to email me if you need to talk to someone who is comfortable with non Christian faiths.


truessencepoet December 16 2007, 01:54:04 UTC
I can understand the sex before marriage as the aspect of oneness. But what about the other non-intercourse acts out of marriage? Why are they deemed immoral if they are selfless?


fabricdragon December 16 2007, 02:00:53 UTC
well, mostly because we are supposed to act "in chastity according to our state of life"
which means if you are not married, you should be chaste...
reserving sex (and the other non intercourse acts that lead to orgasm) for the *special* state of marriage.

consider it sort of like wiating for desert until after dinner.. its a treat, a special closeness, a BOND between two people. and it is considered a part of the 8sacrement* of marriage.

basically? sex is a sacred thing.... and if you have sex outside of marriage you are profaning it. it is for "inside the sacred space of marriage" for the development of the bond of marriage.

now i also know that some folks say that (for a man anyway) orgasm outside of actual intercourse is...a way of denying the possibility of creation of a new there is that too. but its outside my area of expertise.

i am going off line for the night, but i woudl be happy to chat later.


truessencepoet December 16 2007, 02:08:59 UTC
I am not talking about sex though, I'm talking about sexual acts like feeling, rubbing, oral, mutual masturbation, et cetera. I love her like I've loved no one else, I would never force anything on her or to her, but I'm having a hard time seeing how other sexual acts besides sexual intercourse can be deemed profane.


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