Oct 27, 2005 12:58
"the people of God are to receive Holy Communion. To take the Host from your hand and put It into your own mouth is to take Communion, not to receive Communion; and so it is an active thing, not a passive thing. The Lord desires to give Himself to you as a gift, not to be taken by you."
This is a quote, of corse taken out of context a little by an article by a good priest in the mid-USA somehwere...
By posting this I'm not saying anyone's wrong or whatnot...but its pretty cool to dwell on the fact that the Eucharist is God's gift to us and we should really let ourselves receive Him! I think its possible that if we get into this practice, it may help us receive others as all... In Christopher West's Theology of the Body for Beginners, he speaks a lot about our sin a lot of times dealing with the whole "reaching out and grabbing" whatever we want for our own good being the problem...maybe if we didn't reach out and TAKE Jesus but allowed ourselves to receive Him as gift, we may be able to recieve gifts from others and receive others as a whole more openly and graciously. Just something to think about...