
Mar 06, 2011 16:04

I like...tea, and all things pink
My ex is...someone I barely think about. I think his birthday passed?
Maybe I should... be doing Yoga instead of this
I love....working out!
I don't understand...people with very strong personalities. Don't they know how exhausting they are?
I lost my...wardrobe. It's in storage. I miss it dearly.
People would say that I'm...nice? I have no idea what people think of me.
Love is... everything
Somewhere, someone is... eating sushi
I will always...have a lot of love to give.
Forever is...a very long time
I never want to...lose my daughter
When I wake up in the morning...I think to myself "there's no way it's 5:30!"
Life is full of...surprises and changes. Every day I change, hopefully for the better.
My past past, but it shapes who I am
I get annoyed when...people always have to be right
Parties are...something I rarely go to. Once you stop drinking and have a kid, people stop inviting you.
I wish...I had more money.
My dog is...non-existant.
My cat is...also non-existant.
Kisses are the worst don't love the person. Thank goodness for my husband!
Tomorrow I'm going to...go to work, begrudgingly.
I have low tolerance for people who.... are bigots.
If I had a million dollars... my friends would have some nice stuff, and so would my family!
If I Had $100,000... we'd mostly pay off the house we're buying
If I Had $10,000... I'd use it for home improvements and put the rest in the bank.
If I Had $1,000... it would go in savings
If I Had $ would go in savings
If I Had $10...I'd want some sushi.


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