Tales from HR...

Jan 17, 2011 18:46

Apparently, this gentleman is a bit of a nutbar, but competely harmless. He's been known to call us "fascists."

Me- Good morning, how can I help you?

Nutbar- (loudly) I'd like to file a grievance against an employee

Me- Okay, are they a Craft or Admin employee?

Nutbar- Craft. He's about this tall (motions) and 95 pounds, so it's not even fair if I handle it myself.

Coworker- (pipes up because she recognizes nutbar) You're going to have to talk to the Labor Relations Manager. He'll be here any minute. Would you like to wait?

Nutbar- Yes.

Me- Would you like some water while you're waiting?

Nutbar- NO. I would NOT like some water. That's passive-aggressive and you KNOW THAT.

Me- (crickets chirping)

Once he started going off, I remembered him. My first encounter with him was when he came out of his safety glasses appointment (we have a vendor visit our yard once a month and people can get fitted for safety glasses for an affordable price and can pay thru a deduction on their check) shouting "this is bullshit! You're all fascists! I don't want to pay through dues deduction!" Months later, I'm still a little confused about where the money would come from to pay for his glasses, besides his paycheck.

A coworker said "you know, nobody is forcing you to order safety glasses through us."

"I know, but they're SO AFFORDABLE. You're just all fascists and you know it!" He then continued to rant and I hid in the corner, just in case he was unstable.

hr, work

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