Some things just can't be defined...

Mar 07, 2010 15:35

Two things:

"However, this does not excuse domestic violence, and in most cases, the attacker will quickly realize what he's done, apologize to everyone, get help, and clean up his life, rarely if ever repeating his mistake. Its not every day you see a "serial" domestic abuser in the NFL, and if you watched that entire video, its clear that Marshall fits that definition."


Are you serious? I don't know a whole lot about domestic violence but I know that this is NOT true.

Secondly, while this could've easily been a series of typos, it makes me laugh that this person identifies him or herself as "SU law student":

"I could see the firworks from my apt downtown. Maybe someone got marriend and the fireworks display is apart of their reception festivities.
Comment by SU law student - March 6, 10 8:53 pm #"


I know, I know- it really doesn't take a lot to amuse me.


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